G’day! It’s Me and Mister C…

Hello to all! Me and Mister C hope you are staying warm and well as the cold Winter months are now upon us (on our side of the globe). I can happily report, Husband enjoyed his ‘fifty-something’ birthday and thoroughly enjoyed his time away in sunny QLD, visiting his Bro and family, as a part of his birthday gifts. Husband managed to get to the Canberra airport on time and didn’t miss his flight (like a previous time- he will never live it down!). Husband’s dear Bro surprised Husband with a two-night stay in two different luxurious hotels casinos in Brisbane (wow! I know right?), and they certainly partied for the whole two days (if you know what I mean!?). We are thankful to Husband’s Bro for paying for such a wonderful birthday gift for Husband (thanks so much B.L- we love you!), wonderful memories certainly had by both. Husband did return home very tired (and quite hungover), taking many more days to fully recover, after catching a mild cold during his travels.

It was a busy and at times, stressful six days, while Husband was away (he stayed in ACT either side of the trip to QLD), luckily nothing sinister happened to the house or one of the kids (I was thankful). Struggling with my ongoing chronic pain and issues, I was very please to have the girls and Mister C home in between their work and school. Just between you and me, I did miss Husband quite a lot (we don’t need to tell him that), where ‘Netflix’ did get a lot of my attention over some of these days! The girls and Mister C were very good and helpful with jobs around the house, but we are glad nothing majorly bad did happen while Husband was away (as it usually does). I am sure looking forward to my three-day break away in Mittagong coming up mid-July with some dear friends (I wonder how Husband will cope without me- just kidding!). It is always good for the body, mind and soul to take a break from the usual (and at times mundane) things in life; it makes us appreciate what we have more. As my dear nan often said to me, “Dear Ingy, absence will always make the heart grow fonder.”

Me and Mister C attended our fabulous book stall at the Rotary markets in town last Saturday. It was a fun and happy day, the weather was fairly kind to us, with no rain or much wind (so thankful!) It even reached at balmy 14 degrees Celsius (good for Winter, huh?), after the rainstorms we had all experienced days earlier. Our rainwater gauge showed over ninety mls for the two days-wowee! We hope everyone in our community and surrounding areas recovered quickly from the heavy rains and windstorms that battered our homes. Numerous roads were closed due to flooding issues around our town area, we now hope everyone is able to safely get through to get supplies and the kids off the school. Stay safe everyone, Mother Nature is not a happy camper at present, so we all need to support each other during these severe weather changes, so everyone can stay safe; please also remember, never travel though flood (rain) affected roadways. A BIG thank you to our amazing and hard-working SES staff in our area and surrounds.

Due to my Pain Specialist review booked (and delayed) for today and having to catch taxi’s there and back, with Husband unfortunately being away for work, along with my ongoing chronic pain rearing up its ugly head, here is another two Words From Mister C instead this week. Enjoy…

Watching ‘Netflix’ on the TV in the lounge room while trying to stay warm, Mister C came out of his bedroom looking a bit gloomy and slumped himself down on Dad’s grey recliner chair. “What’s up, my son? You look a bit down.” Mister C sighed and replied, “Dad’s not here. Do you know when he will be back from QLD, Mummy?” I smiled and said, “I think Dad’s back in two days, the day after his birthday on Sunday, my son. Do you miss your Dad?” Leaning over to reach Mister C to give him a pat on his arm, Mister C nodded and answered “Yeah, I miss Dad. But some things I don’t miss, like his silly humming around the house all of the time and his smoking outside sometimes.” I replied, “Of course, my son. No body is perfect, like us!” Standing up to give Mister C a big hug, I said, “Let me go make some fresh yummy, buttery popcorn and how ’bout we go watch your favourite movie on ‘Netflix’ together now?” Mister sat up and smiled, “Oh, yes please, Mummy, that would be fun, thanks. You know I love both you and Dad, but, sometimes I love you a little bit more, Mummy, cause you always know what I want and need!”… 💓

After attending our book event at the fabulous Dickson Library in ACT earlier in the year, we all walked around the Dickson shopping precinct and had a yum lunch in the nearby park area. Walking back to Dad’s white car, we decided to go do something else as well, rather than driving straight back home. Dad commented, “Why don’t we go to the National Museum? It’s been a long while since Mum and Flossy have been.” Mister C called out, “Yes, let’s go to the cool Museum, it’s fun, Mummy!” Flossy frowned and then nodded, “Yes, it’s been a long time since we last went with Widy, Mum.” We all agreed and Dad drove us to the Museum. Walking into the vast building, Dad commented, “Gee, I’d like to see the ‘Ancient Egypt’ exhibition that’s showing on here.” I looked over and replied, “Oh, I don’t think my back and legs would let me today, Love. I don’t think Mister C would stand still long enough either! Why don’t we go another time together instead?” Dad nodded. Mister C came running over and said, “Oh, wow, Mummy, there are a lot of you in that exhibition over there- lots and lots of Mummy’s!” All laughed… 👁️👁️

A Word From Mister C…

In the morning, Dad and Mister C were chatting about our upcoming and exciting trip to glorious Fiji soon (mid-last year). Mister C smiled and spun around in the kitchen area then said, “Gee, Dad, it’s not long until our trip out of the country soon. How many days are left until Fiji-time?” Dad looked up and smiled, “Well, my son, there is exactly nine days until we fly out of the country to our holiday fun-time destination of sunny Fiji.” Mister C nodded and replied, “Wow, I really can’t wait, Dad! I’m itching to run on the soft, white Fiji sand and swim with the animals. What will we eat there, Dad? I know, lots of tough to get into coconuts and strange, mushy yellow fruits, I bet! I SO can’t wait!” Both giggled…  🍍🥭

Stay tuned…

Me and Mister C will be attending our fun author event at Bungendore Library this Thursday (we can’t wait!). We so look forward to attending fabulous Storytime again and seeing some familiar and new faces on the day. Husband will be driving us there and back (thanks our rock), we will stop by the yummy bakery in the Square and have some lunch and then we hope to catch up with a dear friend of ours who lives in Bungendore later in the afternoon. Mister C asked me this morning when we were going to ‘Bungers’. I replied, “In two days, my son.” Mister C spun around and replied, “”Oh, wow, no school for me this day, Mummy. Yay three times and more!”… Stay warm everyone. Hugs Me and Mister C… 🍩

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...

1 comment

  1. Interesting blog this week. Hope Ing’s many injuries from that awful car accident over a year ago start to resolve over time!

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