Hi There… Me And Mister C Are Now Back!…

Well, hello! Me and Mister C are now back after a month or so hiatus. We appreciate our blog reader fans’ patience and understanding over this time. I not only had two painful procedures to my lower back and right hip in Sydney during this time, with tiring travelling to and from Sydney, but we finished the Winter school holidays only yesterday, and yes all of us sadly did succumb to the nasty Winter bugs that have been flying around of late- don’t talk to us about the lingering and annoying cough! Not only have we had to deal with an extremely cold (beyond freezing!) Winter season, but unfortunately we have had to deal with some family dynamic changes that occurred mid-June. I won’t go into this change just yet, it is all a bit too raw at present (maybe down the track). So, as you may understand it has been a busy and (at times) stressful time, while also dealing with my ongoing chronic pain, mobility and health issues. To be honest, there has sadly been no time to quietly clear my head until now, to be able to comfortably sit down and write something worthy for you all…

Firstly, some housekeeping… Our blog will now be posted (published) monthly (once a month) from this week, with the widgets updated monthly as well (A Word From Mister C and Dream Diary etc.). This is to mainly free up some time for me to do some personal writing and to continue my twice weekly chronic pain program (through Brain Changer) and my multiple appointments and reviews relating to my CTP claim and ongoing health issues.

Moving forward… Widy is continuing to work hard in the first year of her painting and decorating apprenticeship, she is well over halfway through her first year and is working hard at TAFE as well- well done sweetheart! Flossy started her casual job at Kmart in town and has been really enjoying her new working roles (and the extra funds in her bank account too!). In the holidays, Flossy was ready to sit for the Learner’s permit, she passed with flying colours and has been going for short trips with her Dad around the back roads as a very new beginner on the road (thanks Dad). I am so very proud of her achievements- well-done my sweet Flossy! The last week of the school term, Mister C went on his first four-day camp with his class friends, year group and the year five group from his school. Mister C had a great trip and reported to have had a wonderful time going to Bathurst and surrounds, while doing some gold panning and attending some other fun activities while away. There were no injuries (so thankful) and no phone calls from any of the teachers (wow!). Thank you to all of the teachers and assistants who supervised the children while away, we sincerely appreciate all of your work, support and care of our children. Mister C has been creating some interesting little sculptures and creations made from old computer parts and other unusual items, while in the school holidays. Only yesterday in the later afternoon, did Mister C say he was a little bored- that’s a pretty good two week break I’d say!

Some great news, my fab designer has now completed the final changes to the interior design of our next third poetry book of my Me Poems series. I am hopeful to have the book published in the next week or two (how exciting!). Here is a draft image of the new front cover for the book, (below and as the blog cover image). The Pop art themed image is of Me, a young thirty-something Mum of three young children (who were so delightful), while juggling my role working as an enrolled nurse at TCH, and working hard to complete my nursing degree in ACT… I look forward to sharing this next poetry book with family and book fans. Some folks like poetry while others quite dislike poetry- it is a unique way of expression and can be an acquired taste! I am hoping to organise a fun book launch while at the Author Alley during the Bookfest in Goulburn on Saturday 14th September (more information to follow).

A Word From Mister C…

Mister C’s back tooth finally fell out the previous evening. Mister C was very excited to know that the Tooth Fairy would be coming to our house. The following morning, Mister C jumped up and down and said, “Well, the Tooth Fairy did come, Mummy. She wrote a note back to me and left not one but two shiny two-dollar coins, a one-dollar coin and a fifty-cent coin! She also left me two of my favourite swirly lolly pops and some Asian grape lollies.” I smiled and replied, “Wow, my son, you are so lucky! I’m glad the Tooth Fairy came to our house, that is so cool!” Mister C nodded and replied, “It is good, Mummy, but I don’t know how the Tooth Fairy has Asian lollies to give me. She must be a trillionaire and travel all over the whole world! Mr Musk must be super jealous, as the Tooth Fairy must be able to buy anything on Amazon; all the makers and directors really wouldn’t allow it. The Tooth Fairy is the richest and nicest fairy in the universe!..” 🦷🧚‍♀️

Stay tuned…

Me and Mister C will be attending a fun book event at a local ELC in Condor, ACT through some close friends, coming up on Saturday 10th August 2024 (more information to follow). Due to this fab event, Me and Mister C won’t be attending our usual Rotary bookstall market in town on the same weekend (sadly). We will endeavour to attend the markets in early-September. Keep an eye out for promotional information regarding the wonderful Bookfest event run through Goulburn Library coming up in mid-September, as I wrote previously. Stay warm and safe. Hugs Me and Mister C… 🍩

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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