Dia dhuit, it’s Me and Mister C…

We say Dia dhuit, hello in Gaelic-Irish from the glorious country of Ireland this week. Being one of our top country of readers this past month, Me and Mister C would like to acknowledge this and say a big thank-you to the delightful people of Ireland too! Also, as a thank-you, we like to write something about the country to celebrate our readers; it’s a great way to learn something new about a particular country as well. Ireland is renowned for its beautiful scenery, majestic mountains, hearty ales and friendly townsfolk; a place we would love to visit one day. The top six best things to do (as per the internet) are: Jameson Distillery Bow St., Irish Whiskey Museum, Connemara National Park & Visitor Centre, EPIC- The Irish Emigration Museum, Spike Island, The Killarney National Park and much more… https://www.tripadvisor.com.au/Attractions-g186591-Activities-Ireland.html

It was World Chocolate Day on 7th July, earlier this month (yippy!). Of course, we would seldom find a person who doesn’t like chocolate, and this delicious treat is one of the most-loved desserts or treat around the world. According to the internet (yay!) this particular day is observed… ‘Because it is believed that chocolate first came to Europe on this day in 1550. Chocolate Day was first observed in 2009’ https://nationaldaycalendar.com/world-chocolate-day/ We all love chocolate in our family, but for me, I enjoy small amounts (higher brands with shiny wrappers) and I prefer dark to white or milk (is too sweet). Mister C always screws up his face when he sees my dark chocolate (fridge is best) and says, “Oh, no, Mummy, I don’t like that stuff; it tastes like rotten peas and the texture is too smooth!” The girls enjoy milk and white chocolate, as does Husband (maybe a little too much!). Husband did speculate that in1550, the quality of chocolate would most definitely have been worse than ‘home-brand’… Here’s to a little happiness with some good old choc to brighten your day (go on have a piece or three!).

As I sit in my studio writing this blog today, I have just taken a deep breath and sighed, the girls and Mister C went off the school (a bit grumpily mind you) this morning (always love you!). The kids have had a very good break and now it’s time to get back into school and term work; now us parents can clean up and get some things done around the house, while clear off some mind fogginess from the holidays. I am busy working on both book six and seven at present (is easier to write both at the same time, as they are a part of the next series together). I am relishing some alone-time (and peace) to get some more words written down (rather than at 1am in the morning, as I have been lately). We are also busy finalising our surprise trip away with the kids and as a celebration for Widy turning the big eighteen next month (it is going to be a great surprise!). Husband has been busily planning our trip and adventures for several months now, booking our accommodation and some wonderful things to do (thanks Husband!). We really look forward to seeing the girls and Mister C’s faces at the airport, when they will most likely find out where we are going. It has been a long time since we were able to fly out of the state, our last memorable trip was going to North Straddie (North Stradbroke Island) back in early 2019 (thanks Covid).

This week’s blog is a shortened version, so that means some more words from Mister C! Here we go…

Dad’s knee was still stiff while walking down the staircase one morning (a few months after his knee surgery last year); he slightly tripped down the bottom step, without watching where he was going. Mister C was on the computer, sitting at his black desk under the stairs, “Oh, watch out, Dad! You look like an old Grandma with a bad back. Making one false step and falling off those stairs, you could like, die! If you do trip and fall, then you’d be a gonna-Granny!” Dad sighed and replied, “Oh, my son, you’re so funny!” Dad walked off muttering to himself, while Mister C giggled to himself too…

Dad was in the kitchen and Mister C was sitting at the dining table, eating his lunch (last year). Mister C sighed and said, “I really miss our ‘Duggie’, Dad. I can’t believe he’s really actually gone.” Dad looked up and nodded his head, “Yes, my son. Did you know in order for life to exist, life has to have a start and an ending?” Mister C sighed again, “Yes, Dad. I get that and it’s probably like our ‘Life’ board game, right?” Dad nodded again, “Yes, my son; that’s a good analogy.” Mister C looked puzzled, “Oh, what’s an analogy, Dad? Is it like you are reminded of something?” Dad walked over to the fridge, “Yes, something like that. It’s like a comparison between one thing and another.” Mister C nodded and then replied, “Yeah, I get that, but it still won’t bring our Duggie back!” Both smiled at each other…

I was in the study busily writing early one morning (last year); Widy had already gone off to work early to start at 7am. An hour or so later, I heard Mister C in his room, waking up to his usual yawning and stretching noises. He was having a very good sleep in! I then heard Mister C singing a zany morning song (as he sometimes did), he continued to sing for several minutes. I popped my head into his room and then crept into the room and quietly hopped into his bed. Mister C was singing with his eyes closed and didn’t see me-yet! He then opened his eyes and shouted out in surprise, “Oh, Mummy, you scared me to bits!” I giggled and replied, “Hi, my son, what you singing there? I heard you singing some funny stuff, all the way into my study room.” Mister C giggled, “Oh, that’s my good morning song, I just made that one up. I think it’s going to be a good day and I was just making sure in my head it was. I also said good morning to Opa and ‘Duggie’ in heaven, in my song too.” Giving Mister C a squeezy hug, I responded back, “Oh, that’s so nice, my son. I hope it’s going to be a good one!” Both giggled with better-morning hugs…

A Word from Mister C…

Dad had arranged a few pizzas for tea and the delivery was just about to arrive (yum!). Widy was still at work (of course we’d save some pizza for her); Mister C came running upstairs and sat down at the dining table, “Oh, yum! I LOVE pizza! Especially with no toppings on it, but I now do like the tomato sauce on it!” The doorbell rang and Dad walked back into the kitchen with the delivery and smiled, “Tea is ready!” The kids chorused, “Thanks, Dad!” and grabbed their pieces of pizza. Flossy sat down and replied, “It’s not really pizza, without all the yum toppings on it!” I nodded and put a few pieces on my plate and sat down. Mister C looked at my plate and noticed the spinach leaves and commented, “Oh, you have lots of leaves on your pizza, Mummy!” I nodded and replied, “Yes, I do and they are delicious!” Mister C nodded and then looked puzzled, “Oh, can we eat those leaves from the trees, then?” All laughed…🍕🍕

Stay tuned…

Just a little housekeeping… There will be no blog or updates next week (26.07.22- sorry), due to our upcoming trip away together with the family (a well needed rest for all). We look forward to sharing some experiences and adventures in the following weeks. This is our one hundred and fortieth blog! We are so very thankful to have our good working website and for you all to continue to read our blogs each week- we are forever grateful! I am busily writing our next books, I can’t wait to see how this next series, with a new design format and illustrations pan out (is a little bit exciting). Don’t forget, our visit to the wonderful Queanbeyan Library is coming up soon too… Stay tuned for more silly words from Mister C and some holiday adventure stories. Hugs and stay safe, Me and Mister C 💜

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


  1. It’s so nice that this family can take some time off and fly off to ????? It’s a surprise for the kids!

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