Halloo… It’s Mister C and Me…

We hope you are keeping well and enjoying some warmer weather (Australian summertime). Flossy reminded me this morning that it was only twelve days until Christmas. Mister C shouted up from the rumpus room downstairs, “Yes! I love Santa!” He then sighed and said, ‘Well there’s now less than three hundred and sixty days, until my birthday comes around again!” Flossy and I both laughed and I then replied, “Well that’s going to be a long time to wait for that day to come around again; let’s look forward to Christmas soon instead?”… Mister C also reminded me this morning, that there are only two days of school left, and he made it quite clear that we don’t count this day today, as it’s already begun…

Mister C was lucky enough to have been invited to one of his close buddy friends (from school) over for a sleep-over on Saturday night (lucky boy!). After the overwhelming and stressful time Mister C had last week, as a result from the issues at school, I was so pleased he could go do something fun with his good friend (hiya R & C). Mister C had been asking for many weeks to go on a sleepover; not having had one without one of us parents or siblings there to support him yet, it was now time to let him go and experience the sleepover fun! Husband diligently took Mister C to his friend’s place (as I was in Sydney with the girls) and he assured me he would go pick Mister C up, in the event he couldn’t sleep or settled in the new surroundings. Turns out it was quite the opposite, Mister C said he wanted to move into his friend’s house! I packed a few clothes (super soft PJs of course) and Mister C’s toothbrush, making sure he knew to have a shower before they left to go to his friend’s house in the afternoon. I did hope he would settle in the night with no dramas (fingers crossed), while also give Husband a bit of peace time (just what he needed!?).

I was lucky enough to be able to head up to Sydney (North out of main CBD) to visit my dear sister and her family over the weekend (hiya C, J and co!). I took the girls up with me, as it had been many months since we were able to have a proper catch up. It was a good opportunity to take up the Christmas gifts too (good to be organised for once), without the hassle of trying to send them via the often slow (and not very cheap) post. Widy offered to drive some of the way there and back (how nice- thanks good girl!), making the trip more manageable, after two busy days at work on the Thursday and Friday previously. Widy drove very well (well done), I took over before the busy CBD area near the Liverpool turn off, to go through to the M7 (highway). I drove up to the new ‘North-Connect’ tunnel and said to the girls, “Let’s go and explore this new tunnel,” not realising it would take us the wrong way, away from my sister’s suburb and house (oh no!). We were happy to have shaved about ten minutes off the trip, but to then have to back track and turn around and go back the right way on the highway to my sister’s house, we lost about ten minutes (same-same really?). Overall, it was a wonderful trip and so great to see our family again (not to mention the four bottles of vino we both consumed together and lots of eighties dancing too!) …

We hope your (festive) holiday plans and preparations to visit or spend time with family and (or) friends is going well. Make sure you get to do something that YOU really want to do, even if that’s having a sleep-in or a late night sitting up watching TV by yourself (I won’t tell anyone). My dear Nan always said to me, “We can’t always please everyone, and we can’t make others do what they don’t want to do;” especially over this busy holiday and end of year timeframe. I recall when I was young (years ago now), on many a Christmas day, my mother would work away in the hot kitchen, trying to please all by making a big lunch for family and sometimes extended family (too much really), right through the very hot summer weather. I didn’t think she enjoyed the day so much (her facial expressions and tone showed otherwise), and I’m sure her feet would hurt like burning coals afterwards. Of course, we all appreciated the wonderous cooking and meal (but secretly, my sister and I just wanted to play outside under the cool hose sprinkler with an icy pole). In these current turbulent times, everyone deserves a rest and a happy day- even the designated cooks of the household should have some time off too!

Mister C and Me want to send out our warm thoughts (and a few hugs if wanted) to the communities that have been affected by the recent floods in North NSW and South QLD. Like other parts of the world, Mother Nature is certainly still letting us know that she is around and watching our world very closely. It’s hard to believe there are so many natural disasters occurring everywhere at present; our thoughts go out to the communities and countries affected by frightening Volcanoes, terrible tornadoes and shocking floods. Closer to home, we traverse near Lake George often and are amazed to see how much water is in it, Husband commented, “It is the most water I has seen, since driving past as a child around thirty-five years ago.” Mister C and Me hope it will settle down soon and the clean-ups are conducted quickly and smoothly in time (hopefully) for the festive and holiday season.

Husband managed to rebook his GP appointment to get those sutures removed from his hand wound; it was looking a bit red around the outside of the wound, but it had certainly healed much better than the first debacle. When he got home from the appointment, Husband proudly put his hand up and said, “Ta-dah! Stitches are all gone and the wound is okay- phew!” I was most relieved and now Husband can mow the lawn again (getting pretty high with all the extra rain). Mister C and Husband fly out to QLD in just under one week; they are both excited about heading up and going on a plane together. I reminded Husband he was to have a Covid test (with Mister C) at least seventy-two hours before the flights; he nodded and said, “Definitely, I will add that to my list of jobs to do, before we fly out.” Husband also commented, “I keep reminding Mister C that it is only nine, eight and seven etc. days until our QLD boy’s holiday, but it simply cannot come soon enough for Mister C (and me)!”…

A Word from Mister C…

It was nearly the end of the term; Mister C was a bit grumpy before going to school. I asked him to get dressed and ready; Mister C replied, “No, Mummy, I don’t want to get dressed. I like being in my comfy PJs. I will stay in them all day!” … “Okay then,” I replied back, sighing. “You’ll have to go to school in them for the whole day, then!” I said, walking into the kitchen. “Oh, okay then,” Mister C replied, grinning and then frowning. “I don’t think I can do that, Mummy. My teacher won’t be very happy with me; I best go get dressed then, instead.” … “Good work, my son! Let’s go?” I then said, giving Mister C hugs before school… 😏

Stay tuned…

For more zanier Mister C and School holiday stories; we look forward to heading up to Wollongong (a special place where my Nan lived) for a family trip away. I book the kids and I dental check-ups and a review with our kind dentist mid-January (sounds exciting huh?); Flossy will be getting those braces on very soon. When I told Mister C, he was going to visit our dentist, he smiled and said, “Oh, I’ve been very good and have brushed my teeth every day and then some. The dentist will be so happy with me, I can’t wait to sit in the cool dentist chair again!”…🤔

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...

1 comment

  1. What a nice newsy column about Mister C and his family. I will be lucky enough to see them all shortly!!

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