Hiya! It’s us; Mister C and Me…

Hello… It feels like Winter has crept up on us once more (brrr!); we had about eighteen mls of rain during the week (including last night’s storm). The rain is very nice though (minus the strong winds) for our new veggies and shrubs (and other trees etc); I diligently planted a few weeks back (thanks Bunnings!), with a little help from Husband and Mister C, who said, “Why do I have to wear those gloves, Mummy? I like the soil!”… I can report (excitedly), the new worm egg ‘mix’, I had purchased and prepared a couple of weeks back (I sadly dried my other worms out- so awful!), had ‘hatched’ into sweet tiny worms (so cute- and I promise not to harm these ones!). Hopefully the latest cold spell won’t kill anything else off (before me); and the little plants (and baby worms) will continue to grow happily.

Mister C is settling down well with his new health plan; while trying something new with his Paediatrician (and it’s working-phew!). School has finally finished for two weeks. Yay! calls out Flossy; who is still dressed in her pyjamas- why not? (nothing new for Mister C…). What are you going to do these school hols? We still have to be mindful of the current Covid ‘hot-spots’; but at least some restrictions are easing this week (Flossy is pleased the year six graduation may still go ahead after all?). Remember to continue to be kind to yourself and to others; stay safe if you are travelling over this busy time too…

Unfortunately, (along with the worms) we lost one of our sweet chook girls on Thursday night. Chook ‘Flossy’ (yes, named after our Flossy), had been off her food during the week; and in the last days, was resting more than usual, in one of the nesting boxes. I picked her up on Thursday morning, to check her over for anything suspicious (there was nothing); she was tired, weak (cone was pale-red flap on head), and didn’t eat anything (not a good sign). I feared the worst; (holding back the tears) I then rang the school, and arranged to pick our Flossy up earlier; so she could sit with her girl and say goodbye. I kept telling myself, it’s only a chook for God-sake! (sorry for the language, had to be said); between the both of us, the tears were flowing that afternoon… Later on, our Flossy asked me, “Why now, Mum?” … It is a hard question to answer; particularly with chook ‘Flossy’ having been one of three sisters; the other girls were all well. “Sometimes,” I said to Flossy, giving her sad cuddles; “It’s just Mother Nature’s way of saying, it was her time.” … Chook ‘Flossy’ was one of the extra special ones; we had initially raised the three girls together, when we moved into our current home in 2017 (they all are-the sisters just a bit more so) …

Okay, (enough sadness) now back to 2017… I recall it’s early May; lots of unpacking, painting and building new wardrobes and other furniture (gotta love IKEA!) going on there. The first weeks in our forever home were strange; hot upstairs and cool downstairs to say the least! Mister C was the most unsettled out of us all; I recall Husband commenting, “I had to gently wake Mister C this morning; after he slept in. My sweet boy was not so sweet last night; he woke me and Wife at 320 am due to a bad dream, and then carried on. After wee, drink and tucking him back in, he started crying at 340 am; Wife attended to him next, then at 430 am he was back in our room again! Oh well; the joy of a four-year-old with bad dream sometimes!”… I have to admit, it was different (and tricky) with Husband and I sleeping downstairs; while the three children had their own rooms upstairs. It did take longer than we were expecting, for Mister C and the whole family to fully settle down (even Duggie had too many yucky ‘accidents’ to mention).

Through these busy days, our sweet Flossy had a birthday, turning the BIG nine! As we were still unpacking (house was not ready for lots of girls everywhere yet), Flossy agreed to have a party, but at a venue rather than at the house. I had tried to book a party room at ‘Jump-in’ (local indoor trampoline venue); however, was told the venue was closing, the centre was not taking any more bookings… Flossy was devastated (there weren’t many other appropriate choices in town); so I rang ‘Maccas’ (North side), who were very happy to help, and provide a space for the party to go ahead (thanks heaps!). Flossy seemed a bit down about it; but was happy with the thought that ALL of her friends were able to come along. Little did I know, the ‘Fire-works’ night at the local school and the ‘Pumpkin festival’ in Collector, was also on the same weekend (uh-oh! -way too busy!) …

I recall, I had booked a face-painting entertainer for that afternoon; to meet us there as well. An hour into the party, no entertainer showed up. I was worried; so, I rang the contact person to find out what was happening (it had been booked!). The person apologised, saying they were stuck at the ‘Pumpkin Festival’, and weren’t going to be able to make it to our party after all. Our hearts sank; luckily, I had brought lots of items (bubble blowers, streamers and balloons etc) for the girls to be entertained (and they were- which was great). I had also bought a lovely cake to celebrate with- it was YUM, and all was eaten! In the end, Flossy and her friends enjoyed themselves; which was the main thing (we did get a credit for another face painting party, thank-you!). Husband recalls, “Flossy’s birthday was great; and she loved her gifts. Wife and I built the new dressing table (with inbuilt pretty mirror in the lid) the night before, then snuck it into Flossy’s room; so, it would be there when she woke up on her birthday.”

Mother’s Day came and went; I recall feeling SO ‘dead’ tired (too much painting and cleaning- I think?), I slept in for what seemed like many hours (for me- who usually gets up early around 0730 am). Husband recalls, “We gave Wife a lovely Mother’s Day! She slept in, while I kept the kids quiet upstairs. We brought her coffee and croissants for brekky in bed (thanks family-what more could I have asked for really?). Through all of this, I had also commenced a new nursing role through NSW Health (Renal). I was offered a contract for three months; then applied and was successful, in obtaining a permanent position in the unit (of which I was most proud of- thank-you!). The work was both physically and mentally demanding (as nursing always was); we were on our feet for most of the day (something I was used too). Patients were kind and humble (most of the time!); staff were friendly; but particular on how the unit should function, according to local policies and procedures (naturally).

Husband was also asked to move to a new area, and new building in the City; but still work in the same Federal Government department (too much going on really). He was nervous about the idea of changing positions (a side-ways move); but we had good chats about it, and Husband decided it would be worth his while in the long run. Husband also commented, “Well, day three in the new job! So far, so good; will take some getting used to. Much quieter down here on level two in the new building; started early this morning (good Husband!). Also, last night I discovered, I could check ‘Keno’ (one of Husband’s favourite pastimes) results on line! Probably not good, because I will want to put on long tickets and check at home!” (naughty Husband!) …

It was soon to be Husband’s birthday (rolling around again-oh no!); so, we thought why not join his day with a special house-warming gathering; with all our family and friends (sadly, minus our dear Opa- forever missed). Husband fondly recalls, “Funny last night, Mister C and Flossy were mucking around. Mister C passed wind loudly (farted), me and Mister C were laughing heaps and heaps; Flossy (now the big nine) just looked at us and walked off disgusted!”…

A Word from Mister C…

“A few weekends ago; I took Mister C and the girls to the shops, to get some groceries and for Mister C to have a haircut. Mister C asked the Barber for a shave stripe on the top of his side part; and was a good boy sitting still. When home, Mister C went straight into the bathroom to check out his new style. Mister C came back out looking quite pleased with himself; he then said, “I like my haircut today, Mummy. My hair is as smooth as a house brick, and really shiny- just like a big juicy orange! I love it! Thanks Mummy, for taking me today!” … 😏

Stay tuned…

For more stories of our combined house-warming and Husband’s birthday gathering. Our blog is early this week (after last week-sorry!). Happy to report, I am allowed to travel to my dear sister’s place (North) for the day tomorrow (with the girls); to help celebrate my niece turning the BIG twenty-one (well done Z.M!). This is our fiftieth blog this week! (where has the time gone?). Thanks for your support, without you we wouldn’t have a working site; so, THANK-YOU! Keep on reading, Me and Mister C 🤗

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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