Hi there… It’s Me and Mister C…

Well… Hello! Many of us families (with school aged children) are coming to the end of another term of school (last week-yippy!). It has been a busy, and somewhat trying semester; while also frustrating at times for many parents, students and teachers. I know for Mister C and the girls; it has had its ups and downs. For many of us parents (I know it couldn’t really be helped!), not being able to go onto the school grounds, has been very difficult; particularly when you have a forgetful son like Mister C, who keeps losing items around the school! Flossy has been a bit down; due to the year-six camp having been cancelled for later in the year; along with the year-six farewell. To top that off, her favourite teacher (for the past two years), is moving on after this term, to another permanent position in teaching. We wish this special teacher all the very best, and thank her for all of the hard work and care (we will miss you J.H). All this said however; we are left with many disappointed year six children, who have faced many challenges this year. To now hear this teacher, who has been their ‘bright spark’ during their day all year; is now leaving too- is very sad indeed! (not great planning here I think?) …

For Widy, it has been tough too; not being able to do the usual activities and sports events, that were planned like last year; but couldn’t go ahead. Being a very sporty girl, it has been rough on the kids in school; with no, or limited after school sport activities to also mention. Mister C, I know has been very tired. I kept him home today, as he has not been sleeping well (waking at three am is not a good start to any day!). Without disclosing too much (personal) information (promised Husband); some may or may not know, Mister C has been struggling with hyperactivity, sensory processing and concentration issues (has always been there, but unfortunately has worsened over the past 10 months or so). Husband and I have been juggling to deal with these (at times very difficult) behaviours; while have tried to normalise this behaviour in our family unit and environment (Mister C has a huge personality- the good, the bad and the unique- we always said!). After several consults and new assessments, with our GP, Paediatric specialist and help from his teacher at school (thank-you); we finally have a diagnosis! (most of it does make sense to me now!).

This week, Mister C is trialling something new; to calm the, “Technical issues going on in my brain!” Mister C so eloquently said last week… I wanted to mention these issues, we are experiencing at present; there are many parents dealing and functioning with different behaviours in their children, or with other family members. Finding the right answers and solutions, for a positive future and outcome; can be tough to find (we have to stick at it). When Widy was a baby (born twenty-five weeks premature), I found it very difficult keeping up with her premature assessments; but knew in my heart, it was SO important to help her maturing physical and mental development. There is ALWAYS hope and someone to speak to (whoever that go to person is); in order to find the right way forward…

Some tears later (perhaps mother guilt- all I wanted was to take the problem away…); a good heart to heart chat with Mister C (and Husband); along with chats with my dear sister and close friends (thanks heaps). I can now say, I felt marginally better and ready (maybe?) to tackle the world again. I’m not going to say the ‘C’ (“bug thing”) word this blog; out of respect to ALL, who are doing it tough right now. Everyone is going through issues at present; no matter how big or small. I know I have mentioned in previous blogs; our own mental health is SO important right now, as this (horrid) year draws to its end (thank-goodness!). It’s important to reflect on the good things we have all achieved; while be proud of the tough times we have survived through, and be able to talk (and perhaps laugh) about in later (and happier) times…

No stories from 2017 this blog (sorry- I know we need to get though it soon). I thought you might like to read a few Mister C anecdotes instead…

“So, when you start your new job, Mummy; will you still be a Doctor then? Mister C said, with a big grin; while sitting at the dining table. We all laughed, “No my son, I said laughing; “I’m a registered nurse, not a doctor. You need a PHD to be one of those!”… “Oh, what’s a PHD, Mummy?” Mister C said, looking puzzled… “Oh, it’s short for Doctor of Philosophy. You need lots more years of studying than I did, to get one of those, my son.” … “Oh, I don’t want you up all hours of the night, to get one of those, Mummy. You’re fine the way you are!” Mister C said, giggling…

Dad was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes; when Mister C came and asked to go on the laptop downstairs (again). “You can’t go on the laptop all day, my son. It will give you computer brain!”… “Oh, but Daddy,” Mister C groaned; “You have to watch TV and the computer, to make your brain bigger, Daddy!” …

Doing some washing, and trying to remember when I last changed Mister C and the girl’s sheets on their beds (is hard to keep up sometimes). I asked Mister C, “When did I last change your sheets, my son?”… Mister C looked up and said, “Actually, Mummy; it was a year ago!”… I blinked, then laughed- he had nearly got me there, as if it was a real fact (never!) …

Mister C was on the red swing outside, and Dad was pushing him up really high. Mister C looked serious faced and said, “You know, Daddy? Pen and pencil companies don’t like each other!” … “Why is that my son,” Dad said, trying not to laugh… “Oh, they just don’t like each other. It is hard to choose which to write with most of the time; let alone sell them!”

A Word from Mister C…

Stay calm, wash your hands; and wear your cooler pyjamas to play with your other shadow twin…

Mister C was talking with Dad at the dining table yesterday. “Hey, Daddy?” Mister C said smiling. “Did you know everyone, including us have a twin? It can be a good or a bad twin; like a known ‘shadow’!”… “Oh, maybe, my son,” Dad said, scratching his head… “Well, there is a twin for everything!” Mister C went on to say. “So, if you are a good person, your twin could be the opposite and be bad. Or, if you’re bad, your twin could be good. Also, Daddy; if you had lots of cashola (money), then your twin could have none?!”…🤔

Stay tuned…

Bit of a rough week last; thanks for your patience and support! Will endeavour to have the blog running on time next week (let’s hope for no more technical brain issues!); for more sillier 2017 stories to share… Without children the world would be a quiet place! Peace and care; Me and Mister C. 💖

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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