Hiya! Mister C and Me here…

Well, hello! Me and Mister C hope you are keeping warm and safe (still cursing those bugs). It’s now August (the final month of our Wintertime here in Australia), with about four more weeks of the cold and gloomy Winter to go (yay!). Here’s to some warmer weather to come along soon. August is also Widy’s birthday month (as for some of you too?). Widy has been diligently counting down the weeks (now days) until her special eighteenth birthday mid-August (very exciting), she has also been reminding us every day! Flossy mentioned this morning, there are now only two months until Daylight Savings comes around again (where has the time gone?), which should bring some longer and happier days too (for our side of the world-hopefully).

Firstly, I want to acknowledge all of the wonderful managers, carers and special support staff at my unique medical workplace this week. It has been a busy and (at times) stressful few weeks caring for and helping our special consumers (residents). I wish to acknowledge the hard work, dedication and support everyone has given, not only to our residents, but also displayed to each other; for that I am so very proud to be apart of the team and to also be working as an experienced registered nurse. I work part-time at this above mentioned workplace (while juggling the family, author-illustration work and blog work); my days can be long and busy- but I would never change a thing. For me, keeping busy (and useful) is one of the things I like to do; having something to create or write about keeps my mind happy (and fulfilled). I do however wish to get more sleep; sometimes life (and Husband’s snoring) can make me a bit of a tired lady (and a bit cranky-sorry!). So, here’s to some more sleep and sunnier days to help brighten the mind, body and soul…

I certainly missed you and our blog (website) work last week! I did find it difficult (and quite strange) not to keep on writing, but the family asked me to take a needed break (thanks for your understanding). We are now back after our little holiday away to wonderful Launceston in Tasmania (thanks for having us). I can report, we had a mostly enjoyable time (lots of stories to share), with a few ups and downs (like most families do experience); but overall, we loved going back to Tassie and we look forward to planning our next trip there, hopefully to do the East to West coast next year (or earlier?). Some highlights of our trip included, a private cruise over the majestic Tamar River, with a local (and a bit funny) boat Captain, who let the girls and Mister C (safely) help steer the large Cataract boat (thanks so much). We were able to touch and hold a sweet baby Tassie devil named ‘Rah’ and cuddly wombat named ‘Roxy’ at the Tassie Zoo; while also spent some quality time together in the indoor heated pool and spa, at our wonderful accommodation resort area (so weird in the middle of Winter!). We were then able to go back to the Launceston City Park (and market area), to see the delightful park monkeys and take some happy snaps, while also try to re-enact a photo (one of my favourite) of the kids from when we were there early in 2016 (was a little fun). Rather than writing every single detail of our trip (can get tedious and a bit boring?), here are a few words from Mister C and Flossy from our travels to share instead…

Waking up real early in the morning to get ready for our surprise planned trip away, Husband and I got up at about 5am and quickly got ready and finished packing our suitcases. I finished cleaning up and made the bed, then went upstairs. I decided to wake Mister C just before we were to leave at 6am, as it was dark and quite cold. Husband quickly checked in online with our flights and printed out our boarding passes (hopefully making it easier at the Sydney domestic terminal). Both Widy and Flossy were getting ready in their rooms and finishing off their own packing. I finished getting the pet’s food ready (Doggie ‘Rhetti’, chooks and finches) and then gave ‘Rhetti’ a goodbye hug and a snack before leaving. I then went into Mister C’s bedroom and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He stirred, stretched his body out and sighed, “Oh, hi Mummy,” he said, yawning. “Is it time to go on our holiday, now?” Giving Mister C a pat on his head, I replied, “Yes, my son; you need to get dressed now.” Mister C nodded and replied, “Gee, it’s still so early. I can’t believe I used to get up this time every day!” Both giggled.

Boarding our big jumbo plane for our surprise trip away with the girls and Mister C; I sat next to Flossy on the left side of the plane, Widy was in the seat closest to the small round window. Widy and Flossy were both staring out of the small window, taking photos of the airstrip, wing of the plane, along with the sky and clouds after the plane took off. Husband was sitting to the right side of the plane, Mister C was sitting next to the small window and both were smiling; I waved to them both. Flossy gasped in awe of the view and then said, “Wow, Mum, look at that view- it’s amazing! It must be so good to be above the clouds, with all of the constant sunshine; I bet it would be summertime all of the time above the clouds!” I nodded my head and smiled, it sure was a wonderful sight to be flying again!…

A Word from Mister C…

Walking around Launceston city markets in Tassie for the early afternoon, before we were due to drive back to the airport to catch our flight home (so sad); I said to Husband, “Oh, I really want to grab a nice coffee table book about Tassie to take home. I think I will pop into this bookstore to find one.” Husband nodded and agreed having such a book would be a good idea; the girls and Mister C followed me into the quaint store and had a look around. I found a wonderful photographic book about all the wondrous places in Tassie, that was also signed by the photographer (so nice). I went up to the counter to pay for the book and heard Mister C saying something as he walked around the book shelves, “Gee, it really smells like knowledge in here!” Mister C then giggled and sniffed the air around him. All laughed, even the bookstore owner smiled…

Stay tuned…

For some more stories from our Tassie trip away. Don’t forget we have our book event with Queanbeyan Library on Wednesday (is a little bit exciting). Mister C was able to have the day off school and is looking forward to coming with me for the day, to meet some new children and parents and to share our story books. Hugs Mister C … 😁

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


  1. So interesting to hear about the surprise ( for the three kids) trip to Tasmania! Nice, too, that Mister C’s Mother can speak so fondly of her workplace.

    1. Thanks for your comment Granny. We had a wonderful trip to Tassie, pity it went so quick and Flossy & I both hurt ourselves on the huge hire car flip back-seat! Hugs Mister C 🌹

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