Hiya! It’s Me And Mister C…

Hello there! Mister C and Me hope you and your family are keeping warm and well. The season changes gradually, with the leaves changing colour to then fall off the wonderous deciduous trees around us. After Anzac Day (in our neck of the woods) it always hits us, mainly due the cold blast coming across from glorious Antarctica and the super icy Southern Ocean waters that surrounds. I often look forward to Winter, particularly having almost made it through to the other side of Menopause (not many more hot flushes these days now- thankfully), but then remind myself how cold it can really become mid-Winter, especially when the icy winds start. We do look forward to using our fabulous firebox (wood heater) again and enjoy the natural heat it provides our home downstairs with the warm air wafting upstairs too. We hope you, our avid readers are enjoying your warm comfy homes and remain well over this chilly season. There have been numerous reports in the media (and chats with my medical specialists) that it is already turning into a horrid season for the common cold and dreaded flu (and sadly still Covid)- stay safe everyone.

Our household has had its fair share of bugs these past weeks, even months (recalling the house of Covid before we travelled), with poor Husband contracting another nasty throat and chest infection, we think he sadly obtained on the flight home from Fiji (a couple he was sitting next to were doing an awful lot of coughing!). Husband had another GP review and a course of strong abs for ten days, then poor Flossy also contracted the same bug and ended up on abs too, missing almost another week of school (oh dear!). We are aware that after contracting Covid, the body’s immune system can become quite depleted (being a registered nurse I am well aware of the processes), and this is sadly the case for both Husband and Flossy (who had Covid earlier last year). Now both on the mend, trying to boost their immune systems (and general health) with probiotics and healthy food groups (no takeaways Husband!). I am thankful that both have made a full recovery without any hospitalisations; Me and Mister C send our warm thoughts to the people in our community and beyond who are convalescing in hospital at present.

As an update with my ongoing injuries post car accident (late last year), I finally had the double MRI of my right hip and lower lumbar spine last month. Unfortunately, the findings were incorrectly reported and it was overlooked for several weeks, until my GP and I picked up the error at my following review. My GP (so thankful) rang the imaging group and the report was then amended to reflect both of the MRIs that were conducted. So… I have a tear across the hip joint with several changes to the joint, as a result from the impact of the top of the steering wheel smashing into my right shoulder and the bottom severely hitting my hip area (that would explain my severe ongoing pain to those areas- right?). I also have another large bulging disc, with possible nerve root entrapment to my lower lumbar area, which would also explain my ongoing pain and nerve sensation issues to my right foot and leg (not to mention the severe carpal tunnel affecting my left wrist as we speak).

This situation does make me feel quite down (and irritable), that it has taken many months for these injuries to be diagnosed; I have been in constant pain since the accident (as my family are well aware). Where to from here I hear you ask? It has been a long road to recovery and will continue to be, as I try to continue to navigate the numerous specialist appointments (with help from Husband and the family), along with the now booked (and most likely painful) steroid injection procedures to both areas coming up next mid-month, with my Orthospecialist and another review booked early July to see my (amazing) Neurosurgeon in ACT (I am thankful).

Well, it is only two days till Winter starts (burr), why did I remind us? The start of Winter is also Husband’s birthday (on the same day). This year is no exception, with Husband celebrating his special birthday milestone turning the big ‘fitty’ (fifty), as Husband has been calling it. It is also my dear sister’s birthday a few days later (love you C.M) and Husband’s nephew’s birthday a day after my sister’s (hiya C.L). We wish our sister and nephew a wonderful and happy birthday too for their happy days coming up next week. Like Mister C, Husband has been counting down the months, weeks and now days (soon the hours) until his birthday. Most mornings (pretty much), Mister C and Husband have been chatting about Dad turning older and the fact Dad will be half a century very soon. The conversations are pretty hilarious and I have shared one particular conversation in the ‘Word from Mister C’ in the blog this week; please note, there is no disrespect intended with these silly stories, we love and respect our older persons in our family and in our wonderful community.

So, as you can imagine there have also been many conversations about what Husband wished to do for his birthday milestone. At first he mentioned going to New Zealand (all the kids said a resounding yes!), then Husband and I chatted about doing something at our place instead (as we have done in previous years); a step down due to finances and having just been away to glorious Fiji earlier in the month. Husband finally retorted he wanted to spend the weekend in ACT with his friends and some family. Of course we all wanted Husband to do what makes him happy, but logistically it can be difficult for me with my ongoing injuries, where I am still unable drive (after the accident). Husband finally made his plans, deciding to hold a small party at the same venue as his fortieth (ten years ago mind you). He booked an apartment in the city for both of us to stay overnight (nice Husband), thus solving the issue of transport (yay!).

I did laugh and think it a little funny Husband wanted to celebrate his birthday at the same venue as ten years ago. I said to Husband, “Well, don’t you think it’s a bit dull to hold your party at the same venue as ten years ago? Why don’t you change it up a bit and do something different on you- your person, to celebrate the ten-year difference?” Husband looked at me and replied, “Well, I enjoyed my fortieth at the venue, we can still have more fun there, just older fun, regardless of the ten-year difference.” He later agreed to somewhat ‘change’ his appearance for the weekend (and it does look great mind you). No more on this topic, so as not to ruin the surprise, all will be revealed on Saturday night (Mister C’s rendition of Dad below, might give a few ideas?)…

A Word from Mister C…

Dad came upstairs to get his morning coffee and get ready to go to the office. Dad saw Mister C sitting on the floor rug making another ‘Lego’ creation. “Hi, my son, how did you sleep?” Dad asked, smiling. Mister C looked up and smiled, “Hi, Dad, not bad, no dreams last night.” Dad continued, “Well, that’s alright then. By the way, how many days until my big birthday now?” Mister C smiled, “Oh, I think there’s only two days left, Dad. I bet that’s forty-eight hours!” Dad grinned and began to walk into the kitchen. He turned and replied, “I like being forty-something, not almost ‘fitty’! I’m halfway to the grave very soon!” Mister C jumped up and followed Dad into the kitchen. He grinned and then said, “Wow, Dad, you sure are getting real old now… You’d better start digging then!” Both laughed… (please note: no disrespect intended).

Stay tuned…

We look forward to celebrating Husband’s birthday milestone this week and hosting a happy gathering of close friends and family in ACT on Saturday night. Husband and I will be staying in a nice apartment (with a spa too) in the city overnight and we look forward to (and deserve) a bit of fun and silliness. I wanted to thank Husband’s parents for coming up to our neck of the woods for the day and our lovely lunch out together (and great gift) to celebrate Husband’s birthday a bit earlier (love you M.J L-B). We also wanted to thank all of our family and dear friends for your ongoing support with my health issues (particularly Husband the kids). Without your ongoing support, laughter and chats on the phone (and in person), I would not be where I am today- so thank you! I look forward to taking a short break from book writing and illustrating through the next month or so, I will try to focus on our next and exciting children’s book to come along later in the year. Hugs Me and Mister C… 💕

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


  1. That pic is of me I think! Mister C knows full well I don’t have earrings in both ears!

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