Me And Mister C Say A Warm Hello…

Brrrr… As I write this blog today, it is all of seven degrees Celsius at present. Well, we are certainly in the midst of our coldest Winter for several years. I have to write, it has started to be one of the coldest yet, with a minus six degrees Celsius last week. I think it’s going to be a particularly cold season, with the high prospect of snowfall in the coming weeks. The high strong winds have come early as well, adding to the extra chill-factor in our chilly town. The girls and Mister C love the snow; the last time it snowed heavily over our acreage, the children and I loved playing in the soft white flakes before they melted. Flossy is excited to be attending her year nine camp next month to Jindabyne, where all the kids will learn the ski or snowboard (only skiing for our Floss) with beginner lessons and ski hire (so exciting). Flossy is looking forward to attending the trip with some of her closer school friends. I cross my fingers that there will be no snow ski accidents over the trip for the group.

I can report that Widy has made a near full recovery after contracting the nasty Covid bugs about three weeks ago. She is now back to school and catching up on her year twelve studies and major work, due for completion mid-August. I was able to arrange a referral from one of the GP’s at our practice, for Widy to have a check chest X-ray and ECG. We are seeing our regular GP this afternoon to obtain the results. Thankfully, Widy’s chest and (pleural) lung pain has settled and the ECG looks fairly normal (fingers crossed). Flossy has had a rough time the past week and has stayed home for a few days to get over her ongoing cough and cold and other women’s business…

Sadly, for me I remain unwell (most likely the dreaded flu) and now a nasty sinus infection that has turned bacterial. I was able to see our GP yesterday (thanks so much) and now I am on strong (extra strength duo-forte) oral abs (antibiotics) to combat the horrid bugs. As I write, I still have a heavy head, blocked nose, pain to my left ear and left side of my face (blast sinus!) and generally feeling pretty crappy (arrg). Sometimes I wonder why we live so far away from the equator, which would give us more warmth over these cold seasons. My ongoing injuries and issues to my right shoulder, hip and lower back (from the car accident last year) are certainly suffering from this cold weather. I never really put any correlation to chronic pain and cold weather in my aged care RN role, even when previous patients and dear residents mentioned they can really feel the cold through their bones. I can somewhat understand it now, with what I am going through; the pain is always there, but is more intensified in the colder weather.

I received some good news yesterday however, from my CTP manager, that approvals for the upcoming steroid injections to both my right shoulder and hip have now been approved! While, the CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) to both my left and right wrists have also been approved for decompression; and will most likely be two separate operations to occur in ACT, at one of the hospitals there with my orthopaedic surgeon. I am so grateful for all of the support my family and I have received up to this point; nearly nine months on since our dreaded and life-changing car accident, I am still recovering slowly.

I am hopeful that after these procedures have been conducted, along with possible surgery to my lower back, I may be able to regain more quality of life (whatever that is going to be). I had to renew my registered nursing registration (through AHPRA) at the end of last month, which left me in a quandary (this doesn’t happen very often). Currently, I am not able to practise nursing due to my ongoing injuries. I wasn’t able to do a new and full registration, but apply for a non-practising registration instead, that was subsequently approved for twelve months (very grateful). Obviously, if anything changes over this timeframe, and I am able to undertake some form of nursing ‘work’, I am able to reapply for the full practising registration without too much fuss (hopefully).

The thought of never nursing again does worry and also saddens me. Later in the year (September) will be thirty years in which I have been practicing nursing in various roles and stages of my nursing career. It has always been very strange since our car accident, to not go to work and undertake my usual nursing role (which I loved); it does seem like a distant memory, the act of actually getting ready and driving to work. I am however very proud of my nursing career and also humbled by it all. Where to from here is anybody’s guess; I hope for a future with less pain and restrictions on my body, where I may be able to incorporate some form of my extensive nursing skills again in some way or another. Thank-you to all of our family and friends, particularly Husband (my rock), the girls and Mister C for putting up with me, and at times my grumpy and sad moods. Thanks so much for your ongoing support, care, phone calls and visits, it is always so very much appreciated. 💓

A Word from Mister C…

Upstairs lying on the mat over the floor next the warm gas heater, Mister C rubbed his arms and said, “It’s very cold this morning, Mummy.” Mister C smiled and continued, “Did you know that our bones are stronger than our arms and legs?” Nodding, I replied, “Yes, my son. Bones are what make our arms and legs, even our bodies strong.” Mister C nodded back and replied, “Yes, like my whole body and even my tough head too.” Mister C continued, “The cave men used long bones from dinosaur bones to make their clubs. The bone clubs were super big and strong! I wonder how the dinosaur bones grew so strong?” Mister C pondered for a moment and then continued, “They probably didn’t have much milk or dairy foods to eat, like we have now.” Giggling, I replied, “Yes, my son. You are full of great knowledge this dreary and cold morning. I love it!” Both giggled…   🦴

Stay tuned…

I am currently and slowly working on my life scrapbooks (not able to stand or sit for long); I am now happy to report, that I have completed three full scrapbooks, which started way back in 1057AD (a long family history). I am grateful to have had something else to occupy my mind (there’s only so much day-time TV one can watch!), as I slowly recover. It has been wonderful (and not so wonderful) reading and looking back on all of my collected memorabilia from family, friends and previous partners, along with all those house moves! I adore reading all of the letters and cards from my dear sister, who means the world to me. Once I have completed the scrapbooks (hopefully five in total), I should be able to work on and write our next children’s book manuscript (I am excited), depending on my upcoming surgical bookings. Stay warm and happy. Hugs Me and Mister C… 💕

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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