Hi all! It’s me and Mister C…

Hi there… Apologies for the delayed blog this past week. I know many of you look forward to reading the blog (thanks for the ongoing support!). Some people have said they enjoy a ‘cuppa’ and have a read, which is a relaxing moment for them (it warms my heart hearing this, as it IS what I wanted to achieve by setting up the blog in the first place!). I was roped into spending the majority of the day on Sunday, going through ‘IKEA’ (again) with my girls (who could refuse really?); who announced they were swapping bed-rooms and Flossy (second daughter) wanted a double bed like her big sister. Flossy said, “Her feet were falling off the end of her SMALL single bed!” Widy (eldest) called out, “I’ll pay for my new bed Mum, if you drive us there and help us move our rooms around!” What could I say; but, yes?!… Husband did comment, “If Mister C kept whining about wanting something, I was to tell him to say no!”

I have to send a BIG shout-out, to our wonderful retail staff and workers (particularly like ‘IKEA’) who work very hard to help customers, and are on their feet all day long. I also have to give another BIGGER shout-out to the amazing attendants at the ‘Caltex’ Service station on 180 Reservoir Road in Sydney. I was heading home, after a sad (but very special) day, after my Brother-In-law’s dear Dad’s funeral service and wake last week. Silly me, had missed the turn off to head south on the M-7 highway towards home; I realised about half hour later, I was heading back towards my sisters place north Sydney! I had to turn around, to get back onto the M-7 to go south; somehow, I managed to get myself lost (doesn’t take long mind you!) and couldn’t find the intersection to get back on my way. Husband couldn’t resist reminding me, that he had offered to stick the GPS in my car before I left…

During this time my phone had died (including the battery charger too of course!); losing the GPS I was using to try and redirect myself (not sure about those mobile phone cameras around?). I ended up wasting another twenty minutes driving around; then gave up, pulling into the ‘Caltex’ station that appeared down the road; I was more than a little frazzled. I parked my car; head down, I walked in and reluctantly asked a service person for help. I can’t thank everyone enough for their help. I instantly felt relieved, and got the directions needed to get back on my way. The service person even offered to charge my phone and gave me a free coffee too (thanks so very much!); I went to the loo (as was busting) and paid for some petrol too. Within minutes I was back on my way, and got back onto the correct road to get home (over three-and-a-half long hours later mind you!).

Righto… Back to mid-2015 (nearly mid-way through the year- thanks for your patience); Uni placement well over now (until one last time) and life was getting back to some normality (for a family with a zany two-year old). The past weeks, we had been trying to tempt Mister C in using the toilet; I had bought him some new flash undies (with ‘super heroes’ on them) to tempt him with toilet training. It wasn’t going too well, much slower than the girls were at the same age. We had a few wins with ‘wees’ in the potty, but Mister C was still hiding behind the couch doing his business in his pull-ups! I recall one evening, Mister C decided he wanted to shower with me (usually had a bath with one or both of the girls); Mister C thought it would be fun to splash in the running water, however, was worried about the water running over his face. It didn’t last long, as he was crouched down saying, ‘poo- poo!’; I looked down and saw Mister C had done his business in the shower cubicle (Yuk!). Not a pleasant story, but I guess it solved his so-called ‘fear’ of going in the toilet? Soon after that, there were many good occasions, with him going to the toilet in his potty and then the ‘big toilet’.

The first day of Winter, we celebrate Husband’s birthday. A happy forty-something birthday lunch gathering, with some family and friends (thanks for coming up all!). A nice time for us all; Husband particularly, as he had been a little stressed with (more boring car issues), leave issues and a difficult manager in the department during that time (a recent divorcee- say no more?). Husband was dismayed he had been refused to work from home one day per week (they would probably like it now with the virus quarantine going on today!), while my placement and studies were ongoing. He had several stressful meetings and decided (after having good chats with me) to drop work to four days per week; he was able to purchase annual leave for the remainder of the year, which I admit did save the day! Husband felt better recalling the next week, “In the morning, Wife put Mister C in bed with us after he woke about 0730 am. Mister C and I were facing each other, touching our noses and smiling into each other’s eyes. I closed mine, and strangely thought how bad everything would be if he was not there, and how happy I was with him here. I opened my eyes, and there he was, his cute little face smiling into mine.”

We finally got to celebrate the end of Uni (for the semester- one more to go!) by booking a long weekend getaway down to Mollybook (Mollymook), staying at a beautiful seaside villa. The weather was perfect and so was the beach; Mister C had great fun playing in the sand the second day; with the girls running around, sunning themselves in the clear sparkling ocean. We had a beautiful private balcony to ourselves; was very peaceful, grabbing an hour to sit outside with a ‘cuppa’ to watch the glorious ocean view.

The second evening, we decided to have our usual fun disco together; the kids making up funny dance moves to win prizes. Unfortunately, Mister C fell over while spinning around on the shiny wooden floors in the villa; he badly banged his face, blood dribbling out everywhere from his mouth and nose, (lots of crying and sadness, sadly put everyone back into a sombre mood). I jumped into nurse mode again, grabbing a towel and ice-pack, sitting with Mister C for as long as he would sit still. Husband held him, while I checked his mouth out; found the bleeding problem, a nasty cut (not completely severed) along the frenulum’ of his little tongue (commonly called ‘tongue web’). Lots of TLC, cuddles, and Panadol (thankfully had packed it this time!); while I monitored him closely overnight. We decided the next morning, not to do the usual trip to Milton Hospital this time (probably should have though!).

We made it home later that day; after we had unpacked and settled home, I discussed with Husband, we probably should take Mister C up to hospital (thanks again), as his mouth was still a bit swollen and he wasn’t eating much. I recall the doctor there did say, “Why didn’t you bring him up earlier?” I felt like a lousy Mum (but a capable nurse though!); Husband piped up, and explained I was a nurse, we were travelling home and didn’t see the extent of the cut due to the redness (thanks Husband!). The doctor nodded; we managed to help hold the zany little man, while he had some skin ‘super-glue’ put under his tongue to seal the cut (his face showed his dislike to both the glue taste and the doctor putting it in!). It worked a treat and healed very well after a few days, with nil issues (which I was naturally relieved about). Of course, Mister C never lost his voice with all his humming, and talking the whole entire time mind you…

A word from Mister C…

“Stay calm and wash our hands; just wear your pyjamas to bed and stay there all day!”…

“Mummy, do I have to stay home from school now, with all this ‘bug’ stuff going around? I love my new school, and I don’t really want to stay home all the time. School is COOL now, I have five new friends in my class and we go to the ‘Lego club’ on Mondays, which I LOVE! “No, my son,” Mum said; “The schools are all open in our area at present. We have to make sure we wash our hands, when we get home from school, and good to wash them at school too.” “Okay Mummy”, Mister C said, hugging Mum. “You know, the library is BIG and has lots of great books to read. Can we donate one of our new Mister C books to the Library? Maybe you could do a reading in my class too Mummy; you read the book really well and I LOVE our new book, especially finding Lucy our chook girl in it too!”…

Stay tuned…

It’s our first Winter in our new town; it SNOWS at our new place, so beautiful to see! Mister C continues to get up to all kinds of mischief, including flushing shiny things down both toilets, and there’s the dreaded winter sickness at home …

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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