Hello from Me and Mister C…

Hiya! What wonderful rain we have had lately; unfortunately, for some communities, it has been a bit too much all at once, causing more issues with flooding. Mister C and I, hope you and your communities are all staying safe and calm during this chaotic time. We wanted to send a big shout out to all the SES Responders (and folks) in these areas, who are working tirelessly to help with stranded people and animals, damaged properties and cleaning up from the floods. We say a big THANK-YOU!

Well, for Valentine’s day and my up-coming birthday (so sad to be turning another year closer to that big 50 milestone!); good Husband managed to secure tickets for us both, to see my all time favourite band QUEEN! I have loved this band since I was a young child from about six years old; I recall grooving around the house singing ‘Another one bites the dust’ for hours, driving my parents crazy… (Mister C too loves this song, and does the same thing as I did when young!). The big event was last night, in Sydney at the massive ANZ Stadium (WOW it was huge!). A busy time getting ready for the trip, and getting kids settled for their night with big Sis (Widy) to care for them (our first night with Widy doing the care- so grown up and very capable!). We had organised our lovely neighbour to come over and check on the kids and help (surely nothing was to happen?) if there were any issues (thanks heaps H.W and our beautiful Widy!).

We were booked into a hotel close to my Sister and family, as it was my Nephew’s eighteenth birthday the day before. We had planned to see the concert and stay overnight, then go visit my Sister and family the following day. It was a good drive up and our hotel was lovely (thank-you!). The excitement was building, as we ate an early dinner at the hotel and drove up to the Stadium (if only we knew there was an event bus service, that would take us to the stadium, without a train first!). There were people everywhere, as you can imagine (about 80,000 to be exact!). Unfortunately, the rain and dark clouds blew over, and it rained quite heavily for over half an hour. The concert was delayed, but ‘The show must go’ on as Freddy Mercury always said! What an amazing concert! I was brought to tears, when a brilliant hologram of our dear Freddy appeared on stage with guitarist Brian May (all time greatest guitarist ever in my view) and together they performed like Freddy was just there- AMAZING! (and so heart-warming to see Freddy on stage once more). Sadly, it took over two hours to get out of the stadium and back to our hotel (should have done the bus thing?). We made it through though; with lollies and chips, and our ears resonating with Queen and Adam Lambert (what a voice!) in our heads…

Okay, moving right along… Back to our spooky rental house, and the January 2015 school hols about to end. The girls were starting the new year at their new school (and in their new town); year one for Flossy (second) and year four for Widy (eldest- to repeat the year). The girls were excited to try on their new school clothes and shoes; chatting about who they will meet, who their teacher would be and possible new friends. (I recall the girls did have a great first day!). Mister C was doing well at day-care two days per week; I recall he had picked up a mild respiratory infection (URTI), but recovered quickly with no ABs (thank goodness those rotten raspberries were gone!). Mister C continued to be unsettled during the night, many nights in the week (we know why? – we’ll blame spooky Mr Chippy for that!). This situation didn’t ease; and it was difficult sometimes, with both myself and Husband being woken up many times during the night. Mister C, nonetheless, was doing lots of cute talking, eating and walking, which was great to see. Husband commented: “Have to mention how sweet Mister C was at the supermarket the other day. He was sitting in the trolley seat, and several times he would put his arms out to me, and call out, “Daddy, huggles please?” We would have a big hug there in the supermarket!”…

So, for me it was all systems go with starting at my new nursing (EN) casual position at the local public hospital, late January. I was thrilled to have the position, and excited to meet and work with all the staff on the wards. I worked four days supernumerary on both the medical and surgical wards, enjoyed both and staff were kind and supportive (unlike other places I won’t mention!). I was excited, then nervous on getting my first phone-call to work a night shift the week later (first one in about ten years mind you!) and agreed to work. It was busy, but rewarding; I couldn’t get over how appreciable and friendly the patients and their families were (something I will always remember about this special town). I managed to work one to two days per week casual, while juggling the kids, pets, school, and after school events like piano and karate. My second last placement was looming early March (something I was worried about, but we always managed to get through!).

With me starting back at Uni and commuting one to two days per week, Husband had a busy routine of getting kids ready (when I had to work and attend Uni) and driving to work with his commuting; it was a very busy, but happy (mostly) time indeed. I did however, miss Husband being around, with his time to finish work and commute back home; it was a lot later than before we had moved. Husband recalls, “It is almost unbelievable what we are doing, let me list what I had to do this morning in order for Mum to work a morning shift at the hospital… Make sure girls ready for school, with lunches and bags; get myself showered, dressed and ready; get Mister C up, dressed, breakfast for all, change nappy and get ready for day-care; pack my bag for work, don’t forget coffee; get everyone in car, drop girls to school; take Mister C to day-care, sign in, chat with staff and drop off; commute to work (over an hour), look around different car-parks for park, park at 10 am; work all day, drive home and commute (another hour or more), get home by 6:45-7 pm.”… I recall my day was busy too; I would work all day and pick up girls and Mister C from after school care and day-care; go home, lots of love and cuddles, homework, cook and serve tea; not to mention give the pets (and Husband) some love and hugs too! (what a good Husband doing all of that, so proud of us!)…

A word from Mister C…

Dad and I, were getting up to get ready, to go to Sydney for the weekend to see my favourite band of all time: QUEEN! Mister C came into our room, and gave us big hugs in bed for a while. Mister C turned to Dad and said, “Hey Daddy, are you and Mummy going away for one night or two? “Yes, my son, just one night”, Dad replied, giving big hugs. “Are you going to see the Queen? Isn’t it the Queen of England? You’re going to England aren’t you Daddy?! “We both laughed, Dad said, “No my son, we aren’t going to England, it’s a very long way, further than America.” “Oh! That is a long way”, said Mister C; “Are you going away forever? What about us, can we come see the Queen too?!”…

Stay tuned…

I start back at Uni, experience a car tyre puncture, nearly missing my lecture (sounds great doesn’t it?). Mr Chippy is still driving us mad; he does settle for a few months though… I celebrate another birthday, and we have a much-anticipated fun-filled house-warming (b’day) party. We finally book our family holiday away to Tasmania (end of Uni celebration?)- super excited!…

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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