Hi there, it’s Me and Mister C

Hello… Firstly, I wanted to send a BIG shout-out to all of our hard-working retail workers and delivery staff; particularly in supermarkets, shopping malls and the like. I should probably be thanking everyone in our community, I hear you say (THANKS everyone!), but thought it important to say thanks first to these guys, as it can be tough work at present (maybe next week, another group can be thanked too?).

As we all know, we are experiencing trying times with some food and personal care item shortages (or lack of items on usually well stocked shelves); every time, I have personally navigated the shops to get some groceries (like most), I have been met with very kind and helpful staff (thank-you so much ‘Coles’). It has been a tough time not only for us and our families, but also the workers/staff who work in these areas. It is noteworthy to mention (not that I know everything about these issues), but I do have a little experience to share (if you wanted to keep reading). Not everyone deals with difficult situations the same as other people, it is important to try to be understanding of this. As we know, not all people are alike, the world would be a boring place if we all were the same and did the same things… For me, in a difficult situation, I would go and clean something (it always centres my mind!); as for Husband, he would go write a list of things to do. For others, buying things or filling their bellies, works for them- we’re all unique, and this is what makes us human… As Mister C said recently, “If this ‘bug thing’ (what he calls it) keeps on going for a long time, we’ll all have to travel by a fast rocket to outer space; it would be cool and no bugs (or maybe other bugs) would be there!”

Secondly, I wanted to say a BIG thank-you to our dear Bro and Sister in Law for a great time on Saturday night! (Hiya D & S.L) Happy eighteenth birthday to our twin nieces (Hiya B & R & S), you are so grown-up now, we are very proud of you indeed! Also, it was Husband and I’s eleventh wedding anniversary on Saturday too; a happy milestone to celebrate a night away together. Thanks, Husband, for the last eleven (thirteen in total) married years together; lots of ups and downs, but, “You and me, life is better when we’re together!” Will always cherish our beautiful wedding day, on picturesque Mollymook beach with our family and friends… Thank-you to our sweet dear eldest Widy, who helped with Flossy and Mister C very well overnight (and did the dishes and vacuumed too!) It may have been a last chance for us to catch up, with family and friends who are interstate for a while at present; particularly with the worrying virus ‘pandemic’. As the pace of the virus is predicted to spread further (not to worry everyone more), it is important to stay calm, protect ourselves and families (particularly the elderly), and to also remember to try and have a smile or even a laugh over this time!…

Well, back to 2015 (maybe calmer times?); I recall, having a conversion with Husband late one night. I had mentioned, I experienced a couple of bad recurring dreams during the week (aren’t they crappy?); I had felt something bad was soon approaching, and not to take our life and family for granted (is a true conversation, back in 2015). I recall Husband commented, “It got me thinking to make some reflections. Day-to-day, I would normally worry sick about something happening to any of the kids; but I don’t, because I know it would be silly to do this. Life is hard enough raising three young children (particularly a two-year old boy) without making it harder with worry! I love Wife and our kids so much, that I think if anything happened to any of them, I would not cope; just fall apart. Then on the other hand, if the surviving ones needed me, I would just carry on, naturally.” Even back in 2015, in our hearts we knew life was slowly changing (even after we had experienced a huge change in moving states). Husband commented further, “Again, I say that as I get older and the kids grow older, I realise we all change and grow together. We have hard times and really happy times; all through my twenties, I thought parents didn’t change!”

Being our first Winter in our new town; we were prepared (as best we could) for the cold weather; but, perhaps not the strong chilly winds that always came up in July! I was worried some days, with Husband commuting in the dark and cold weather; some mornings and evenings it was very foggy indeed. I recall, texting Husband to make sure he was okay; he would let me know what time he had left work, so I could make sure he was okay within the time-frame (no serious accident or something worse!). Our rental property was a fairly big house, with not great heating. I recall having to put several warm layers on Mister C (and the girls too) before tucking him into his cot; as he would always pull the covers off and throw them on the floor; while enjoy sleeping side-ways or even back to front! I recall, Husband and I looking quite surprised one morning around the same time; Mister C had gotten himself out of his cot and just appeared in our bedroom doorway, smiling at us, and proud as punch with his new ‘Houdini’ moves! I think it was time for a new big boy bed…

Mid-July was very cold (more so than usual, I was told by many locals); one night, around 9pm, the wind picked up and it was bitterly COLD!; I heard some voices outside and people were running around. Later, husband came home from a club outing and called out, “It’s SNOWING!” (none of us had seen proper snow for many years). The girls were in bed and Mister C was fast asleep; Husband and I looked at each other, smiled and then crept into the girl’s rooms and quietly woke them up (didn’t want to wake Mister C up this time- as was late and he was tired). We all slipped on our beanies and gloves, then quietly crept outside; what a wonderful sight to see the thick white snow everywhere. It was magical! A true memory to share together at our new place, something I will remember forever. The next day, I recall the girls chatting about the snow, and how it was still at the house and surrounding areas the next day. Flossy piped up singing and dancing (in her sweet high voice), ‘Let it snow, let it snow!” Mister C began singing too, he started singing in his cute baby voice, “Let it go, let it go!”; all with the arm waving actions too, just like the movie ‘Frozen’- we all then joined in with the sing along… (oh, how we loved that movie!).

A word from Mister C…

Mister C came down-stairs for morning hugs, and said, “Is this ‘bug thing’ going to go away soon Daddy? “Do you mean the very contagious virus, my son?” Replied Daddy, giving Mister C big hugs. “Yeah, it’s not good, because we can’t do anything at school right now; no assemblies, nor our sport and fun excursions. This makes me sad, Daddy. First, there were the fires, then the floods, then the volcano in New Zealand, now the ‘bug thing’ virus. Soon, there will be an earthquake, then a tsunami, then a big black hole will appear!” Oh, no!” replied Daddy shaking his head, that surely won’t happen, Mister C.” “Well, that’s okay Daddy”, Mister C said; “We could all go live in outer-space! We could catch the red rocket and travel by shuttle to outer-space; it would only take about three days, I think. I would wear my cool red space-suit, eat ‘Doritos’ and drink fresh water through a straw from the space-station supply!”…

Stay tuned…

For school holiday fun, Uni semester restarts (Aarrg!) and more Mister C mayhem with lots of talking and silly sentences. Husband has a win at work, with his difficult manager moving to another department (no love lost there!)…

Also, over 1000 hits on the blog! Thanks for your continued support, it is really appreciated! ❤

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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