Hellooo…. It’s us; Mister C and Me!…

Hi there! Apologies for the late blog this week; we had a busy weekend catching up with family and friends (hiya all!), while also launching our second book and signing event on Sunday. A BIG shout out to everyone, who joined us for our book signing; thank-you for braving the gusty winds, while also enduring the crazy fly away hairdos… Mister C and I really appreciated your company and for sharing our event; and thank-you for all who drove up from ACT too. Without YOU, we would not be able to share our books, stories and laughter… I must admit, with all the focus, organising and lead up to our event; I am a bit exhausted! We are relieved it’s over; ‘done and dusted’ as Mister C says; now on to the next book! (Oh no, not yet? calls out Husband). I also want to say a BIG thank-you, to my (very) patient family, over this busy time. I know there have been many times, where I have been preoccupied with finishing the last illustrations for the book; turning down a few trips to the park or walk in the forest. Thank-you for putting up with me; I love you so very much!…

A dear friend said to me this afternoon (Monday), while at our children’s local karate lesson in town (hiya H.C); that it was great to see her daughter, over the weekend (hiya L.C), making connections between books and authors. My friend also added, that both her daughters loved our book (thank-you!), and were able to make more connections into how books are created. My friend also commented, ‘how great it was for her daughters and other children, to connect with characters like in our books; while also be able to relate to the stories that are being told.’ I believe, seeing Mister C as the main character in our stories (rather than a turtle or a duck-no offense intended please), creates a strong connection for other children. It may also create a realistic sense of family; particularly when Mister C is known by these children (friends) too. It warms my heart to be able to share our stories with young children (and older people too!); this is the main reason I wrote the books in the first place- to share!…

No stories from 2018 this blog (sorry- it’s very late at night here!). Here are a few Mister C stories instead; from over the last few days around our book signing and books…

“Our books arrived”… Last week, the front door bell rang and I ran upstairs to open the door; Mister C came running up behind me too. I saw a delivery person standing on the porch, holding a big box under his arm. I said, “Hello” and so did Mister C; I signed for the item, thanked the delivery person and was handed the fairly heavy box. “Oh, wow!” I said smiling; “I wonder what could be in the box, Mister C?”… I waved to the person and we went back inside; putting the box on the dining table to inspect. “Oh, that’s a nice cardboard box, Mummy!” Mister C said, grinning. “I wonder what could be in it; surely Santa couldn’t fit in there, could he?!”… “Oh no, my son. Let’s open it now and see.” Flossy then came in to the room, wanting to see what the fuss was all about; “Is that the books, Mum?” Flossy said smiling… “Yes, I think so, my sweet,” I said, carefully opening the box. “Oh! Yay!” I cried; “It’s our books; they have arrived and they look amazing!”… “Let me see,” said Mister C, pulling up a chair to stand on, near the open box. “Oh, wow! Did you really make all those books, Mummy? You are SO clever!” … “Well,” I said laughing; “I wrote and illustrated the books; but I didn’t actually print and make them!”… “Wow, Mum; you are still so clever!” Flossy smiled. “Can we read one now, Mummy?” Mister C asked… “Yes of course” I replied; “Let’s all go sit down and read the book together.” My heart was warmed with such contentment, our books were just perfect…

“The book signing”… “So, Mummy; how many people are coming to the book signing tomorrow?” Mister C asked, while sitting at the dining table for breakfast. “I hope lots of our friends and family, come to the park to share our event, my son,” I replied, smiling… “I hope you can sell a thousand books! Imagine how much ‘Lego’ we could get with all of that cashola, Mummy? I hope my friends can come along too. It would be cool to play with my friends at the park”…. “Yes, my son; it would be fun,” I replied. “Let’s hope the rain and wind dies down before tomorrow”… “Yes, Mummy! All the books could be blown away; then no-one would be able to buy them!”…

A Word from Mister C…

Dad was away visiting family in QLD (lucky) during the week. Mister C naturally missed his Dad (and us too). Mister C spun around with excitement, when Dad came home on Friday Afternoon. He said to Dad, while sitting on his lap in the dining room; “You’re the best Dad in the universe, Daddy!” Dad replied, smiling; “Well, that’s amazing; because you’re the best son in the galaxy!” … “No way, Daddy; Mister C replied, giggling. “The universe is heaps better than the galaxy!” Dad laughed and said, “Alright my son, you are the best son in the universe too” … “Just like both of us; twins then?” Mister C laughed, hugging Dad…

Stay tuned…

This is our sixtieth blog this week! Hard to believe it has been running just over twelve months now… Stay tuned for more new stories in 2018; Mister C starts kindy (Oh no!); lots of stories and events there… Again, thanks for your ongoing support with our blog; it really means the world to us! Night from Me and Mister C…

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...