Hello… it’s Mister C and Me…

Hi there… Firstly, Me and Mister C wanted to say a big shout out, to everyone in Melbourne and Victoria at present (love to M & J. T and family too). Our hearts go out to all the families affected by Covid. We hope the power returns back soon after the terrible storm; for everyone who is struggling at home, trying to home-school and work under such difficult circumstances. We are thinking of you today…

WOW! We are nearly at the end of a long and isolating Winter. While the kids and I, were driving to school Friday morning; Mister C asked, “How many days till Spring, Mummy?”… “Well, I think there’s only three more days until Spring starts!” I said, smiling. “We love Spring; let’s hope we can find some baby chooks (layets) to add to our girl’s clan soon?” … “Oh! wow, Mummy; I love Spring! I can’t wait to be able to play outside more, on sunny days!” … “Yeah, me too,” sighed Flossy; who was also sitting in the car.

Interestingly, Mister C and Flossy both had dreams last night; Opa was in each of their dreams too. It is so special when Opa visits me in my dreams; it is just as unique when he visits the kids too (love and miss you, Opa). Mister C dreamt Opa had put loads of gifts in his bedroom! Mister C said, “My dream was a good dream; as it had Opa in it!”… Dreams are always rewarding, when you wake up happier or contented…

Flossy had an amusing dream; she wanted to share it… “In my dream, I was watching the ‘Farmer wants a wife’ series on TV. Widy was a young girl on the show; she had short hair and braces- like when she was little. ‘Harry’, one of the Farmers on the show; was wearing glasses, just like Widy’s (she wasn’t wearing any); and he had two dogs with him. I dreamt that one dog was our ‘Duggie’ (the wonder dog) and the other, was my bestie’s dog named ‘Trixie’. Opa was also in the dream; he was one of the farmers on the show! Opa looked happy and well; all the farmers were dancing around really funny like!… I wasn’t in the dream itself, just watching it like a movie. I could see all the girls who had applied to be on the show; they were all sitting in a big pink truck, dressed in their best frocks. Widy and Harry were throwing mud pies, at the back of the truck and at the girls; they got mud all on their dresses and faces! The truck left the area; then Widy and Harry started dancing weirdly and funny-like again!… Such a funny dream! I was so happy, I got to see Opa in my dream that night though!”…

Okay, back to 2017… It’s still February (if I recall correctly- was a couple of blogs ago now!). We celebrated the wonderful life of our dear Opa (my Fix It Dad) and attended his funeral mid-February. I did a reading; Husband did a speech, beginning with how he met Opa on the Phone (almost exactly 10 years earlier!), My dear sister (hiya C.M) played a beautiful song on her flute, for everyone who attended the service. We all quietly (in our own personal way) continue to grieve the loss of our dear Opa, remembering him fondly; while Mister C continued to call Opa on his trusty toy phone, telling Opa about his first karate lesson that day… Husband commented, “I can’t believe Mister C, all of four years and two months old; is having a karate lesson today! I think he’s too young and should wait a year before trying it”… My rationale behind the lessons; were for Mister C to build inner strength, self-control and develop better listening skills. Mister C enjoyed his first lesson; he complained he was tired and it did give his body a good work out- for his age level. There were other younger kids in the class too; of which Mister C enjoyed the company. When we got home, Mister C said, “That was fun, Mummy! Can I go back next week-please?”…

End of February, my birthday comes and goes. I didn’t really feel like celebrating it much this time (I did ask to stay the same age instead!); it worked out to be a low-key event; particularly with my dear Fix It Dad, not with us, to help celebrate with the usual birthday hugs. Husband was thoughtful and supportive (thanks dear one); he commented, “Sweet loves birthday; but we are a bit consumed with the loss of our Opa. Wife did a lovely reading at Opa’s funeral, very special indeed.” Husband soon warmed to my new car (the kids thought it was great!); we call the cute- blue, shiny go-go mobile- ‘Ken’ (our older black car was affectionately named ‘Barbie’!).

A word from Husband, in 2017: “I have gotten so used to Mister C coming into our bedroom, anywhere between 1.30 am and 05.30 am every night; I hardly think about it anymore. It seems normal, almost every night, I somehow hear him and wake up, give him a cuddle and a drink; sometimes he needs a wee. I pick him up and he wraps his legs around my waist, and rests his head on my shoulders; I then gently hold him and rub his back with my right hand. I mention this because, when I was doing it at 1.38 am this morning; I wondered if he would have any memories in later life of this; and how my hand was almost the width of his back, when I stretched it out and rubbed his back gently. He normally goes back to sleep well; but sometimes insists I do ‘big bits and little bits’. I have been doing this for many months now; where I tuck Mister C in with the doona, covering his whole body. I tuck him in quite tight; going from his shoulders and chest- ‘big bits’, down to his feet- ‘little bits’ and then toes- ‘tiny bits’ too.” …

I recall last blog, discussing our ‘forever home’. We were so lucky to have found such a great property, on the back of the Reserve in town. The offer we put in, before Opa passed away, was accepted (such a relief- thank-you our wonderful bank manager J.M). We planned to move (again!) mid-March, after settlement was due over Easter. I recall lots of packing and sorting had to be done (again- at least we hadn’t collected too much stuff since the last move!); while organised our current place to be rented out. We found a great agent- same one we buy property from (thanks Z.A); while only needing one inspection for potential tenants, finding the right couple straight away (thanks heaps!). Lots of meetings with our solicitor (thanks S.V) and agent, to time it all together; so, we could move into our forever home, with the new maple staircase (three days to be built safe for the children) mid-April- just after the Easter break (phew!). We took two days to clean the rental, for the new tenants to move straight in; just in time to start my new casual (contract) job working in the Renal Unit at GBH!… (Who said this year was going to be a calmer, easier one!) …

A Word from Mister C…

After picking Mister C up from school, a couple of months or so ago; Mister C came running up with a big smile on his face. “Hi, my son!”, I said giving Mister C, a big hug. “Hi, Mummy!”, Mister C said beaming. “Guess what? You know my old scripture teacher; the one who was at my old school? Well, I had scripture class again today; it was the same teacher today, as I had last year!” … “Wow!” I said, smiling; “That’s so great, Mister C!” … “I LOVE this teacher, you know. This teacher is my ‘Heaven teacher’; she is very cool. I love talking about Heaven and all the Gods up there!” …  

Stay Tuned…

End of March, Husband and I celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary; down the coast together, with the girls and Mister C. We finally move house, and find lots of issues with our forever home (oh my!). Mister C finds ‘Paw Patrol’ on the ABC Kids channel, and sings the theme song day and night for many weeks… Mister C gets a BIG surprise; when he realises Mummy has tickets (thanks Husband for buying them!), to see ‘Paw Patrol’ live in concert in ACT end of March (Mummy was very excited too!)…

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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