Hellooo… It’s Me and Mister C…

Well… Christmas came, happily played with us all; then went on it’s merry way again! (until we meet next year?). Our contented bellies full; lots of wrapping paper and cardboard later strewn across the house. Me and Mister C hope you had a lovely day, whatever your special day involved. We also hope you were able to catch up with family and or friends; even if it was ‘Zoom’ or ‘Face-time’ (better than nothing at all- right?). We remember our loved ones during this time; who are not able to be here with us (especially miss you my dad and my fix it dad). I wanted to send a BIG cheerful shout out, to our readers from differing countries across the world. Super excited to announce, Argentina scored the highest numbers of readers and viewers this month! A special thankyou to you all, and for all of the ongoing support. Remember to keep on reading; without YOU, we wouldn’t have a working blog…💖

For us this year (perhaps like many, and with ongoing Covid restrictions as well?); things were a little different (sometimes it is good to shake it up a bit- don’t you think?). Last year, we agreed for Widy (as she wanted) to spend most of the week including Christmas and Boxing Day, with her biological Dad and their family. With my new work roster; I was due to work the day, and was happy to do so this year (was looking forward to spending the day with our special residents). Husband was understanding about the roster; while made plans with the kids for the day, to have some fun at the local park and ‘maccas’ (which they did-thanks Husband!). It had been many years, since it was my turn to work over Christmas; we all have to take our turn- being a nurse; caring for people doesn’t stop. Mister C seemed indifferent to the idea, of my not being there in the morning; but Flossy was quite down about it. Many chats later, Flossy adjusted to our plans; with my sister and family, also wanting to come down to visit late afternoon and overnight on the day too (YAY! Thanks for coming down my dear family) which also cheered Flossy (and us) up immensely.

We ended up, having an early ‘mini’ Christmas with Widy, last Sunday before she went to her Dads (with Husband also away the beginning of the week too). We had a lovely time together, opening some gifts (that the elves had delivered early) and also enjoyed a delicious Chinese meal; with bon-bons and happy Christmas tunes, playing in the background. It always tugs on the heart strings, when sharing children over special events like Christmas and birthdays. When Widy was very little (just over fourteen months), it was tough; as each year went by, I can report it became a little easier. It is important for both parents to see their children. Husband and I have always been accommodating to this; particularly with what Widy has wanted in the past (and present times), with her other family (sometimes is best to keep the peace-don’t you think?). We haven’t had Widy with us on Christmas morning, for several years now; so, we look forward to spending it with her ALL day next year!…

Okay, the news this week is, we think three of our four new chooks are NOW boys! (roosters). Sadness now aside; we all have to have a laugh- being woken up by loud crowing, two days before Christmas was alarming, but also quite amusing. I did suspect perhaps two of the chooks, as they were feisty and a lot bigger than the others. Husband did say weeks ago, “If ‘Justine’ turns into a boy, she can be renamed ‘Justin’; just like my middle name!”… So, I texted our patient neighbours (thanks so much and sorry for the extra early morning noise!), explaining the situation with Fife’s being closed over Christmas; and not being able to return the roosters until Monday (I think I wrote Sunday-but they are closed today too!). I’m pretty sure ‘Hope’ is a girl (please be-the name is quite fitting now?); all the care and work, we have done over the past two months; with only one girl standing, makes us feel a bit down (Flossy particularly- who helped the most). As we have learnt in life, things always work out for the best in the end (and our friends at Fife’s do have some baby chooks to sell soon too to note) …

No stories from 2018 today (a bit weary-sorry); thought I’d share some anecdotes from Mister C and the family, along with a few Santa jokes from our opened bon-bons- enjoy!…

First, a Flossy Funny… “Have you got any tea, Mum?” Flossy asked, while I was driving the car home, after school pick-up (last time ever going to Flossy’s school!). “Uh, not sure Flossy; what do you mean, hon?” I replied, looking quite puzzled. “Oh, Mum; don’t you know? It’s like a cup full of gossip, then you drink the tea- like you’re drinking the gossip!”… “Oh, I haven’t heard that one, my sweet,” I laughed. “I like that; Nan would have loved it!” … Giggling, Flossy then said, “Well, my friends and I say… ‘spill the tea sis!’ in the morning and at lunch time. More so after the weekend, when there’s something exciting to chat about from home or news.” … “I love it, my Flossy,” I cried. “And guess what my tea is?” … “What, Mum?” Flossy laughed… “Well, I love you!” Both laughed together…

A Dad and Mister C funny… Dad was talking at the dining table, while we were all having tea. He sighed and said, “I am so relieved, I didn’t have to see a certain person in ACT, during the week.” Husband smiled and then commented, “I think I dodged a bullet, that day!” I turned around and laughed; then said, “What for? Sounds like you really didn’t want to see that person?”… Mister C looked puzzled and then said, “Who would shoot you, Daddy? You’re a good Daddy. I ‘m really glad you didn’t get shot, and was able to get away!”…

A word from Mister C… My Daddy’s ‘Tool box’…

I wish it was Daddy’s day every day; so, I could give Daddy hugs all the time…

My Daddy is as powerful as a super-hero!

My Daddy is as strong as a diamond (my favourite stone).

My Daddy is as sharp as a knife! My Daddy is as tall as a metal crane…

A Word from Widy… Widy is home from a busy half-day shift at Maccas; and wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a bright New Year! We went to visit her twin, Liam at ‘Norwood Park’ in ACT a few days before Christmas. We always take a few photos of the kids, standing near the children’s wall; to compare how much older they all are with Liam. The grounds are so lovely and it’s a very peaceful place; we always say, “Hi everyone;” when we walk on the grounds. This time I called out, “See you three at the white bridge;” and I started running towards the bridge. Of course, Widy sees me running; then sprints with her long legs, getting there first… Widy also reminds me; because she has two families, she gets double the gifts too! …

Now for some Santa bon-bon jokes (Courtesy from ‘Coles’) … (a bit corny- but still a little funny?).

Q: What did Santa ask Rudolph about the weather?

A: Is it going to rain dear?!…

Q: Who delivers presents to cats?

A: Santa paws!…

Q: Why did Santa’s helper see the Doctor?

A: Because he had a low ‘elf’ esteem!…

Q: How long do a reindeers’ legs have to be?

A: Long enough so they can touch the ground!…

A Word from Mister C…

“Daddy?” Mister C whispered, as he climbed into bed with Dad, early one Saturday morning (Mummy was at work). “Hi, my son,” groaned Dad; rolling over to give Mister C big hugs. Mister C touched Dad’s face, then began to pull the covers back. Dad groaned again and said, “Don’t pull the covers off, Mister C; it’ a bit cool without them this morning.” … “Oh, but Daddy; Mister C replied giggling; “Didn’t you know, the covers don’t keep you warm. Only BIG hugs keep you really warm!” …  

Stay tuned…

For some more zanier stories from 2018… Mister C finally starts Kindy and actually enjoys his first week; but then he unfortunately, becomes unwell and has most of the second week off school!… If you would like a copy of either of our books; please get in touch with me. You can look me up on Facebook or Instagram; I am still doing local book runs around our town area to also note. We hope you have a calm and peaceful few days, before the NYE busyness (and craziness) sets in… Hugs Me and Mister C… ❤

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...