Hellooo… It’s Me and Mister C…

Hiya! Firstly, Me and Mister C wanted to send a BIG shout out to all of our very caring and hardworking carers, in our local area, all around Australia and also in the whole world! I know first-hand how hard you all work, and wanted to say a heartfelt thankyou to you all. What lovely weather we have had over the last few days; Autumn never lets us all down- does it? I can happily report, our household has had a better week this week; no more ‘house of sickness’- yay!

Husband and I will be celebrating our twelfth wedding anniversary this Month, we normally exchange cards and a little sweet chocolate something (yum!). This year, I wanted to do something a little different (can’t hurt to shake things up a bit?), and discussed with Husband about going away over a weekend. So, Husband has booked a little getaway for the both of us in Mittagong (can’t wait- thanks Husband); Widy has agreed to help with Mister C (and Flossy); we are of course very lucky to have an older (beautiful) daughter (babysitting age and responsible) as well as the two younger ones, who will be no trouble (hopefully) and will probably ring us right away at the first sign of trouble!

I have to add though, Husband did unfortunately misplace his (very expensive) wedding ring a few weeks back (oh no!). He searched our house, his Ma’s house, his work area, his car and everywhere; it is a mystery where it has gone. Of course, I was upset on hearing about the ring going missing (and rightfully a bit annoyed too). As it is our anniversary coming up, I do feel worried that it may represent (now or later?) the lost ring becoming a ‘symbol’ of a lost relationship (what do you think?). So, I commented to Husband today, I think we need to go get him another ring (a bit cheaper most likely?) and inscribe it at the same time as my repaired (and expanded) wedding ring, before our anniversary comes around. Naturally relationships change like the ocean tide-up and down, down and up; but I couldn’t see my future life without Husband in it!

Before we move on to 2018 (oh no!), I have a ‘Flossy funny’ I just had to share… Flossy and I were taking our usual evening walk together with ‘Duggie’ (our wonder dog); we walked right around our whole street block and up a very steep hill back up to our place. While we were walking around the street to start the big hill, Flossy called out, “I see a sign, on the tree over there.” She pointed to the tall gum tree and ran across the road to look at the sign. Flossy came running back and smiled, “It’s a found sign, Mum; someone has found a cute Galah bird!”… “Oh,” I said; “That’s sad love, someone has lost their pet bird. I hope it can find its owner soon?” … “Huh?” Flossy replied, looking puzzled; “It’s okay, Mum; someone has found it and now it’s not lost!” …

Okay, let’s smash out more from 2018… Now mid-June, and sadly to report, Mister C was having a few troubles at school. There were a few issues that had come up, that were needing to be addressed with his school teacher. Looking back, Mister C had been very grumpy on Dad’s birthday (early June); while not realising he wanted to stay home with us on the day, Mister C went to school in a ‘not-so-happy’ frame of mind (if you know what I mean?). I was a bit worried when Mister C’s teacher rang me to arrange a meeting at the school, the week later. I knew Mister C was having trouble with a difficult boy in his class, where the boy was teasing Mister C and following him around the play-ground at lunch time (along with a couple of other children too). I had spoken with Mister C about these issues and him also using ‘his hands and feet’ on other children at school, where the policy is strictly ‘hands and feet off’. Being a boy, this can be a (very) hard thing to do; I didn’t really understand this, until I had a boy (child) of my own.

I attended the meeting at the school and was upset with a few issues, but felt well supported over this time (thank-you!). Mister C was being closely monitored in the play-ground (where most of the issues were happening); an idea of giving Mister C some jobs to do, also helped during this time frame (he was hyperactive during breaks and his engine was often running HOT!). Husband commented, “Mister C is being a pain each morning about having to go back to school; I think he got too used to being on school holidays. Also, half a dozen times in the last couple of months, he has woken up at about 3am and started watching a DVD in bed with his portable DVD player!”…

Days later, Mister C came home from school and was very sad; he commented a couple of kids at after school care were calling him names. A few kids had come up with a silly name calling Mister C a ‘Cicada’, and had been teasing him most afternoons he went to after school care. We were not aware of this issue, until Mister C burst into tears and stomped his foot saying what the kids had called him. Lots of hugs and a couple of homemade vanilla cupcakes (his favourite) later, Mister C did settle down and we came up with a good plan. I told Husband later that evening, we looked at each other and tried not to have a giggle together. I have to admit, it was a little bit funny, and kids can be so ‘clever’ (and cruel) when it comes to name calling. I have to add, it is these events that lead to my writing another story for our Mister C book series; of which I am currently illustrating to complete (how uncanny with the timing!). I ‘ll never forget in high school being called ‘ingredients’, or even worse ‘pad-period’ (some girls were pretty cruel back then) …

Husband was of course worried about Mister C and his situation; he commented, “So at five and a half years old, Mister C no longer wakes up crying; but maybe twice a week, he come down to our bed and hops in at about 2 or 3am. Most mornings he hops in our bed for morning hugs between 630 and 7am, which I love. Two or three times a week, he chucks a tantrum about not wanting to get dressed, or not wanting to go to bed. He regularly complains about how Flossy gets to stay up longer than him. For the last year or so, the routine has been that Mister C is in bed by 745pm, Flossy in bed 0830pm and Widy 9pm. For a bit over two years now, I have worn those nose strip things almost every night, which reduces the snoring”… Husband was also having worrying heart palpitations over this time too; he didn’t tell me for about a week, then decided to share the information…

A Word from Mister C…

In the car driving Mister C and the girls to school in the morning; Mister C, who was looking out the window, said, “Mummy, is it funny, that when I look at something first, I don’t notice it until I look a second time?” … “Yes, my son. That’s your good brain working out and recognising that object or image” … Mister C nodded then replied, “Yes, like when I saw that letterbox over there; I could see it was dark in colour, but I couldn’t see the numbers or sign on the front, until I took another look. I feel really clear today; my brain is working good!” … All laughed and I said, “Wow, that’s really good my son; you will have a good learning day today” …

Stay tuned…

Over half way through 2018; soon we can run through 2019 (thanks for your patience) … Lots more zanier stories to blog about coming up… Keep on reading and thanks for your ongoing support. Night from Mister C… ❣

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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