Hi there, it’s Me and Mister C

Well, we’ve had more rain up our way; about ten mls overnight. Rain is always good for the animals and vegetation; but gee, I wish the SUN would come out for a while- just an afternoon would do!… Our Widy turned the BIG sixteen today! I write with a heavy tug in my heart (always on this day); Widy’s twin brother is not here to celebrate with us too (and our dear Opa). We are so very proud of our sweet girl; I know she is looking forward to getting her Learner’s permit (L’s) very soon! Widy didn’t want a big party (couldn’t really with the Covid situation); so, I organised a small party and dinner out last night, at the local club with a few close friends and family (thanks guys for joining us!). We made it a girl’s weekend (sorry- no men were allowed!); Husband kindly took Mister C down to Granny’s, for a sleep-over together in ACT (thanks heaps M & J!). Us girls had our ‘besties’ stay over night after dinner, for a sleep-over and fun (another friend couldn’t make it- get better soon!). I can report, Widy has had a happy day with lots of pancakes, fondue chocolate with fruit and marshmallows; including some great gifts (thanks everyone!). What more could a sixteen-year-old-girl want really? Oh yes, not forgetting that driver’s licence! …

Okay, back to January 2017… (Apologies in advance for the sad tones in the blog this week- I promise it will be brighter next week). I had nearly completed my New Grad year-phew! (end of January). After discussing with Husband about my work arrangements; we agree it is better during our current situation, with the family and Opa being unwell; for me to then take on casual employment. This would only be for a few months, until I worked out what field of nursing to work in at a later time. Working four days a week is tough when raising a young family; I felt some pressure had eased off my shoulders; knowing that I didn’t have to continue working so many long days through this year (I imagined having some time to get other jobs and hobbies completed- in between the family!).

So, Opa was now residing in one of the local Nursing Homes (against his original wishes and my wish to help care for him at home). After having a fall-out with some family over this issue (many tears there); I tried to keep myself together; and went to visit Opa by myself first. I couldn’t take the girls or Mister C, to see their dear Opa yet; Mister C did keep asking, “Why is Opa not at his home anymore, Mummy?” He also asked, “Why can’t Opa walk and play with me anymore?”… This saddened me greatly (as did Husband); I have to admit, I couldn’t answer those tough questions that week.

I was relieved to see Opa when I arrived, and observed him looking fairly comfortable in his new surroundings. I recall Opa had a cheerful smile on his face; however, he did look pale and tired. We quietly spoke about his situation together; we both resigned ourselves to the fact, it was probably safer for him to remain in the Nursing Home, with his poor mobility (he really couldn’t walk anymore). I recall Opa saying, “I don’t want to be a burden to anyone!”… I nodded understandingly; giving Opa a big hug, while held his hand tightly- for as long as I could. I promised to visit every week with one or all the kids; to spend some quality time together (we weren’t sure how long he had left).

I recall telling Opa about the new property we had found; I showed him some pictures and he loved it! Opa was a tiler by trade and a very good handy-man at many trades- including painting (he taught me most of what I know). I told him about the stair-case, that had to be built in the top level of the house; in order to join the two houses together. Opa seemed excited for us and pleased the stair-case could be done; my only wish was for him to see it! We both knew he probably wouldn’t be able to see the property; this made me feel down, but I knew in my heart he would visit some other way eventually…

The second visit, I took both the girls with me to see Opa. It was wonderful to see him again; his eyes lit up when he saw his beautiful Grand-daughter girls. The care staff were very attentive and caring towards Opa; this made us all feel better and a little more at ease. The third visit, I took Flossy and Mister C with me; while I bought Opa a new soft doona and cover for his bed, and a picture of the family to put in his small room. This brought a big smile to his face; the care staff were very helpful to ensure his name was on the bed linen, so it could be returned after it needed to be washed. I have fond memories of Mister C, running up and down the corridor near Opa’s room; then flopping to the floor, and rolling on the soft, blue carpet singing, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” at the top of his lungs!…

Devastatingly, Opa passed away within three weeks of him being transferred to the Home. I felt so deeply sad; with only having had the chance, to see him three more times before this fateful day. I had an early morning phone call and rushed down to the hospital in ACT; to find Opa very unwell and near the end of his life. It was a very sad time indeed… Husband comments, “Funeral tomorrow. I have had months to prepare for the loss of our Opa. Mister C has been quite innocent; the first thing he said to his cousin on the phone, the day before yesterday for his birthday, was, “Opa has gone to heaven and I’m using my red phone to call Opa still!”…

I can write about these sad times nowadays; as it has been over three and half years, since our dear Opa has passed (never gets much easier). Two months later (approximately), after we moved into our new property; I could feel Opa around me; especially after staining the new stair-case (what a job!) and painting some feature walls in the house. Sometimes in my dreams, Opa will come visit me in a white boat; the sky is blue and he has a look of contentment on his face- I know he is okay. Today, our home is a happy, peaceful house. I know Opa would have really liked it; and he is proud of what we have achieved! (forever in my heart) …

A Word from Mister C…

In the kitchen, Mum and Dad were busy discussing, how long young people have to stay on their Green ‘P’ plates for. Big sister Widy is turning sixteen on Sunday; she will be going for her ‘Learner’s (L’s) permit soon. Mister C was in the lounge room, playing with ‘Lego’ and called out, “Green Peas are gross!”… “No, my son; Green ‘P’ plates,” called Dad. “You’re not ready for your Driver’s Licence yet!”…. “No way, Daddy,” Mister C called; “I like being driven around by everyone else!”… 

Stay Tuned…

For more Mister C mayhem and happier stories next time…

I have uploaded a new poem on ‘ More Me Poems’, on the top left corner of the blog site. I wrote this poem in remembrance of our dear Opa passing away a year later. I have also drawn one of my favourite images of My Fix it Dad. Thanks for your ongoing support of our blog; without you we wouldn’t have a working site!… Don’t forget to keep an eye out for some second book illustrations I am currently working on; I will be uploading a few on the blog site, Facebook and Instagram. Night from Mister C and Me 💖

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


  1. I remember JVG (Opa) so fondly. For years and years we went with friends and family to meat-tray raffles on Friday nights, followed by dinner. A true gentleman.

    1. Thanks Granny for your kind words; we miss Opa every day! Big hugs Me and Mister C… 💗

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