Hiya! it’s Mister C and Me…

Hi there, with most kids going back to school this week, things are a bit calmer at home (with some routine back) and family life can start to go back to some sort of normality (we hope?). I think some venues and clubs are re-opening up next week too (and more people will be allowed at gatherings as well); let’s hope the cinemas open up soon too; Mister C, the girls and I, are hanging to go catch a movie together (like many of us!).

I think it salient to mention, the unrest ongoing in the US at present; it was very unsettling and upsetting, to watch some of the media coverage, re the riots and violence this morning. With dear family in the US (in Texas – Hi y’all!), Husband commented on the situation; “I think it was only a matter of time, before there was a boil over in each state; mainly due to the virus lock-downs, racial tension with law enforcement generally, and deficient national leadership.” Even though this may not necessarily be happening in our backyard (lock-downs perhaps); it is necessary to remind ourselves to be kind and respectful to each other, whether at home, the workplace, school car-parks, shopping centres or at the local petrol station; particularly during these difficult times. We don’t know what other people are juggling, or going through at present. We only see what people want us to see; making it sometimes difficult to view the whole picture of a situation or event. We are all doing our best, trying to stay afloat in this turbulent world…

It’s Husband’s birthday tomorrow; I asked him last week, if he would like to take an annual leave day; so, we could spend some time together (who knows how long it’s been since we had some couples alone time?!). Husband reported back to me a few days ago, it was a public holiday (Reconciliation Day) in ACT on Monday. He was happy about that, and felt quite special too (and didn’t need to use his annual leave either!). So, we are going on our first little outing together, for a drive up to Bowral for the day; to find Husband some new work boots and an outfit (maybe some new shoes for me too?), while have lunch out (hopefully we can get in somewhere with the set restrictions?)…

Okay, back to 2016… Now early February, my New Grad year continues; about two weeks into the program; it’s all going fairly well, tiring but super happy to be in my new position on the medical ward. As I may have mentioned, Husband was approved to work four days per week, so we could juggle Mister C, the girls, school and after-school activities. I was working four days in the week as well (rotating shifts), mostly with requested Mondays off, to have a ‘Mummy and Mister C day’ together (and to get the rest of the house-work done too!). It was a juggle; I had to be organised to plan each week, in order to organise the family… I think Husband mainly had Tuesdays off with Mister C (due to no day-care on those days) and took him to his swimming lessons (the pool wasn’t Mister C’s favourite place I have to add, more on that one later!).

Staff and managers were very kind (thank-you!); I learnt a lot in the first few weeks, mainly time-management skills, while juggling patient care and other duties. I enjoyed the patient interactions, and met more families from the surrounding areas. Unfortunately, the following week, someone damaged the back corner of my car, in the car-park at the front of the hospital. I found the damaged back light, dent and scratches later in the afternoon, after work; I went home saddened and rang Husband. There was nothing I could do, but enquire about getting the light fixed for registration purposes; the car was over seven years old, and had a couple of other small dents/scratches. Sometimes we just have to keep on going, fairness is not always balanced on the scales of life…

We had a lovely catch-up with family and friends early February, for my dear Uncle’s seventieth birthday (Hiya P. P & W. M). We drove to Robertson and the party was set on property called ‘The Castle’; it was outside the town area, set on a lovely acreage with a real castle! My uncle is friends with the owners, and he wanted to have a ‘Devon-shire Tea’ at ‘The Castle’ for his birthday. It was lovely to have been invited (thanks!); we enjoyed the beautiful drive down, with the kids for the day. Husband comments, “Later in the afternoon, Mister C, Flossy and I went through the rear gardens, exploring everywhere, looking for ‘fairies’. We found secret paths, using our imagination; for a little while, I was a kid again; it was wonderful!” It was a happy day, and it was fun to drive back through the little towns; we even stopped at the ‘Big Potato’ in the park for a while. I recall, Mister C looking quite shocked, as to how the potato could have grown so big, his face was very cute with amazement (I don’t think we even told him it wasn’t real!) …

Mid-February, I turned another year older (Oh no!). We had a quiet day at home; I recall, I received lots of cuddles from Mister C and the girls (and Husband), with breakky in bed too (what more could I want really?). I recall Husband cooked a yum marble cake with pink icing, how delicious! During that time-frame, we were also busy packing up the house to get ready to move (don’t ask me how?). Once settlement had gone through (phew!), we managed to pack up the whole rental house in about two weeks; throwing out unwanted stuff, and moving by early March. “Bye-bye, Mr Chippy!”, we all called out; with the last of the boxes in our arms, closing the front door behind us very tight. We moved quickly; it was fairly straight forward (having moved many times before!); nothing got broken thank-goodness (with help from the burly removalists-thanks!); the unpacking and settling in our new home began…

I do recall however, the first night at our new place (we were all exhausted mind you); next door’s dog began barking loudly, outside our bedroom window for numerous hours. Husband was not impressed to say the least; we didn’t get much sleep that night…

A word from Mister C…

“Stay calm, wash your hands and wear your soft pyjamas, to help open gifts with Dad on his birthday” …

It’s Dad’s birthday tomorrow, how old do you think he is?” I whispered in Mister C’s ear; while in bed for morning cuddles… “Yep, it’s Daddy’s birthday all day tomorrow, Mummy. I think he’s turning forty-five; but then, he is a bit old looking, maybe fifty!” … “No, I’m not!” Dad cried, rolling over. “I’m a low thirty-eight, nowhere near fifty; that’s half way to the grave, everyone!” Both giggling, Mister C then said, “What do you think you’ll get for your birthday, Daddy?” … “I think I might get two boxes of tissues and a cup of hot chips.”… “No, Dad”, I said, sitting up. “I think you’re gonna get something better than that!”… “What do you want for your birthday, Daddy?” Mister C then asked… “For my birthday, I want a new reading light, a big ‘Terry’s’ choc orange ball, new work boots and lots of hugs!”… “That’s a lot, Dad!” Flossy said, as she walked into our bedroom; “Mum only asked for lots of love and hugs for her birthday, you know?”…

Stay tuned…

We give up on swimming lessons for a while, Mister C didn’t like the pool! The neighbour’s dog barking drives us up the wall; I find courage to meet and speak to the owners… We find some funds, and go on a little family trip in July to QLD to see family…

Another ‘Flossy Funny’… Dad was looking at Flossy’s new perfume, she had received from Granny for her birthday; it was a nice pink bottle. Holding the bottle, Dad said, “Is that a fur-ball on the lid of the perfume bottle, Flossy?” … “No Dad! It’s a pom-pom, not a fur-ball!” Dad went a bit red in the face, laughter again filled the house….

It’s been just over six months since we posted our first ever blog! Now at thirty-three posts, Me and Mister C just wanted to say, a big THANK-YOU for all the support over these months; it means so much to us! If you have any suggestions or ideas for the blog website, let us know…💗

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


    1. Thanks Granny; we hope you are keeping well. Love and hugs Me and Mister C….

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