Hiya! Its Mister C and Me…

Hello… I hope all the rain didn’t wash you, the pets and the garden all away… We must have had over ninety mls over the past week or so; the poor chooks looked like drowned rats, and was difficult keeping them separated (as we still need to) and contented animals… Mister C groaned, “Is it ever gonna stop, Mummy? I want to play outside with my snails; I named the big one ‘Jeb’ and the small one ‘slimy’!”…

Well, the second book is now in the hands of our format designer; it will be very exciting to finally see the finished book shortly. I have spent most of the last week, revising all forty-four illustrations, I created for the first book! (in between battling my cough and cold symptoms too). There were some issues with the images; I needed to crop and clean up the illustrations, for a much improved second edition, to (hopefully) follow shortly too…

Righto; it’s still 2017 (not for long now) … Early September (yay- Spring is here!); it was wonderful to shake out our ‘musty feathers’, and have a good spring clean. We were able to plant some new veggies, in our new above ground garden beds; the seedlings were all standing tall and happy. We (once again) celebrated Father’s Day (a very difficult one without my Fix-it Dad and our dear Dads with us; to not have lots of hugs). Husband commented, “Lovely Father’s Day; croissants in bed, then lunch at local club. I went out by myself for about two hours; then I mowed the lawn for about seventy minutes, I did at least get a third of the 4200 square metre block done!”…

Mid-September; we were experiencing some troubles with the rental property, we also owned north of our town. Unfortunately, we had difficult tenants, who thought it was like a ‘hotel’; demanding many repairs (to a new home mind you!) while had MANY complaints about the grey water and gas supply to the house (which couldn’t be altered). So, after Husband and I had a good chat with our agent (thanks), we decided to sell the property. Our agent was very good; but we decided it was the right move forward, so we could concentrate on our current mortgage (glad we did with all the Covid situation this year). Reducing those repayments was the plan; in order to refinance down the track, for much needed renovations, like a functioning new kitchen and retro-fit double glazing to many windows (to keep the dog barking noise out!) at our forever home.

Widy went on her special (super exciting!) year six camp to the Snowy Mountains; while Mister C and Flossy were being their cute and silly selves. Mister C restarted swimming lessons, at the local swimming pool; and did very well (compared to last year!). It was good to see him enjoying the swimming (for the most part), and participating, along with listening with the instructor- which was good. Mister C was going to learn to swim after all!… Husband fondly recalls, “I let Mister C watch ‘Garfield’ the movie on ‘Netflix’ (his favourite), for about an hour; when I was giving him his ‘milky drink’ before bed. We had Daddy cuddles and it was another special moment, when he imitated the cat (Garfield) smiling on the TV screen- he looked so cute!”…

Husband went on to comment the next day; “Went to go to work early; saw Flossy was awake, so went into her room and stroked her hair for a few minutes. She told me about an odd dream she had dreamt, of being ‘at the shops in roller skates, while holding potatoes in both arms’… Five minutes later, Mister C came in and talked to us about Santa. He hoped into Flossy’s bed, while I got them some crackers, and turned on ‘ABC for kids’; which they could see from Flossy’s bed. I kissed them both goodbye. As they both lay there calmly and contented; during the drive in, I realised how lucky and blessed I was; my two youngest sweet children side by side together”…

October was a busy month, as I marked off each calendar day; with my work (which I was enjoying), juggling the kid’s activities, and Husband attending a busy course (Cert IV in Procurement) for his workplace (Husband studying again?). Our rental property had been put on the market the week prior; and following our agent’s instructions (good advice), we only needed to do one week of open houses (phew!) The next week we had accepted an offer on the property; it had to remain as a rental property, with the current tenants residing there (with their twelve-month lease). We were very pleased it didn’t take long to sell (it was a very nice home mind you); we were realistic about current house prices, and didn’t expect an unachievable figure to sell (were happy to make a small profit- better than nothing right?).

With the happy news under our belts, we had another relaxing (but busy too) trip down the coast, to our favourite ‘Mollybook’ watering hole. Husband recalls, “Trip to Mollybook early October was great. I must describe Sunday as such a lovely day; mainly cause no kids squabbling, and no Mister C tantrums. We just had a nice time at the beach, nice lunch at the ‘Beach café’, where Mister C actually ate properly! Nice swim in the pool, fed the noisy birds, then BBQ following our family disco and prizes; everyone had a great day and I loved it!…

Mid-October, Husband was due to visit his dear Bro and family in QLD (Hiya all!) and for his Bro’s fortieth birthday. It had been a point of contention between us, as Husband had been having a LOT of time away from the family over these weeks, at his Mum’s place (paradise time he called it!) and friend’s places. He had also booked the ‘lad’s trip’ away down the coast with his other brother (Hiya D.L and all!) and mates, only the following month later… In order for Husband to attend these events, I had to ensure I was rostered off; in order to help the kids, get to school and attend all the after-school activities (was exhausting really!). It was difficult juggling days and work at the best of times, let alone to appease Husband’s social events… I know Husband was due to see his Brother, it had been over a year since they had caught up (I understand sibling love!), and of course wanted Husband to have a good time (I was a tiny bit envious of the time he was to have to himself though),…

I shouldn’t write ‘I had to laugh’, but I did have a laugh! I was at work that day (I had the next day off); Husband was to drop the kids off at school first, and then drive up to Sydney. He was to catch the flight out to Coolangatta Airport, where his Bro was to meet him. Unfortunately, Husband missed the flight from Sydney, due to traffic (and driving too slowly), I think he said, he had ‘read the wrong street sign to turn off to the airport’ too! I got a phone call at work from frazzled Husband; explaining he had missed his flight, and it was going to cost double the amount to get the next plane out to Brisbane airport (ridiculous prices!) … I can report Husband did have a wonderful time; he did promise to pay back half, of the cost of the extra flight the following week. Please leave from Canberra Airport next time you travel to QLD, Husband?!…

A Word from Mister C…

Dad and Mister C were talking in the car, while going home from school last week. Mister C sighed and said, “Daddy; how do you get head lice?” … Dad looked puzzled; “Oh, well my son,” he replied; “I think you get them from other people, who have them on their heads. They can jump across to you!” … “Oooh! That’s gross, Daddy!” Mister C exclaimed; “Well, Daddy; I think head lice came from Aliens, ten thousand years ago! … “Oh! Do tell, my son,” Dad smiled; trying not to giggle… “Aliens were annoyed at people going to their home planet, called the ‘Moon’; so, they launched a huge egg, filled with head lice and sent it back to Earth!” …

Stay tuned…

Me and Mister C just wanted to say a BIG thank-you to everyone, for your continued support of our blog! If there are any ideas or suggestions; please feel free to fill out the comments section below the post. And also; please subscribe, if you would like the blog posts (each week) sent to your nominated email address, mobile or laptop. Without you we wouldn’t have a working site and blog… Hopefully we will be able to have a book-signing gathering early December; I will keep you posted!

Keep on reading, hugs Me and Mister C… 💗

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


    1. Thanks for your comment Ms Noddy; yes we hope so too! The girls are too young at present; but they will be at laying age shortly. Keep on reading… Me and mister C

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