Hiya! It’s us, Me and Mister C

Hi there! Well, we are just over half way through the school hols (except QLD- who are finished). It has been a different, perhaps even strange time; having to come up with other things to do around home, rather than travel away somewhere or visit family and friends. It has been advantageous to be home (most of the time), but there is only so much we can do (happily) together… Instead of going to the movies or bowling in the Highlands (as we would usually do); I arranged for the girls to have their long hair done (and I managed to get a well needed quick hair cut too), at our beautiful hair salon in town (thank-you so much C and L- you’re the best!). Flossy decided she wanted to have a head of pink flowing hair; so, negotiated to have a pink balayage done with a good trim (half semi-permanent colour, half natural hair). A lot more technical than thought; over two hours later, Flossy came out looking like a sweet mermaid (minus the tail-fin!). Widy wanted to go ‘all blonde’ (eek!); so, negotiated to have a full head of foils done with blonde highlights. Again, a further two hours later the day after, she came out looking like a super-star. Both girls were very happy with their new looks; I was pleased (a humbled Mum) the girls had achieved something fun these holidays (many thanks again ladies for your hard work at our wonderful hair salon).

Mister C had already had his haircut before the term ended (what were we going to do with him?); I bought him some new ‘Lego’ to occupy his curious mind; that lasted a day or so, with him making all four creations (at least twice and over again!). Still, Mister C made it very clear, he was BORED and said so, too many times for my liking… Husband and I managed to find some extra funds- not sure how (along with a well-received payment from the government- thank-you); I trudged down to Bunnings (thank-you all so much for your help and kindness) to try and find a new trampoline for Mister C and the girls to use (maybe I would enjoy a jump too!). Our old one was falling apart; even the black ‘gaffa’ tape (what held the mesh up with), was disintegrating before our very eyes! I did some research on the internet to find a good quality trampoline (like most), and found a ‘cool’ play-gym set as well. I rang Bunnings, to see if there were any left in stock (sure other parents had the same idea?); I ended up going into our local store, the patient service person (thanks so much!) had located the last play-gym in the entire Southern region! It was a SIGN, we had to have it (that was my initial thought anyway)…

Luckily, Husband had been in to work the past day or so, and was still in the area (where the last play-gym set was). I rang Husband (crossing my fingers) and quietly asked if he could go pick it up on his way home (made sense didn’t it?). He was bit miffed by the idea at first, then came around knowing it was what the family needed this week; not to mention the following weeks while we were still in quarantine mode. I got a text on my phone about a half hour later from Husband, saying he was able to get the three big boxes and slide part into his car -with help from another service person at that Bunnings warehouse (thanks heaps!); but that here was a big ‘huntsman’ spider in his car along with it! I had to have a little giggle, then called him straight back, to see if he needed any moral support with his new friend. Mister C saw the boxes and was so excited, his face lit up like a shiny Christmas tree. The smile was priceless; the cost of Husband’s time to get the items, and try to rid the spider from his car was worth it! Thank-you my love… “You’re the best Dad ever!”, Mister C said so happily. For the next three days, Mister C played with the big boxes happily for hours; and I got a great home movie of Mr C running around with a huge box on his head; it was heart-warming to see (more humbled Mum). When the play-gym is finally finished (when my muscles recover from all the building and paint work, with putting the monster gym and trampoline together!); Mister C and the girls (maybe just a little for older Widy) will be able to happily climb and jump the time away…

I wanted to send a big shout-out to all the older folks in our wonderful community and surrounding areas; particularly the elderly in Nursing Homes and care villages at present. It is a tough time for all! I think being isolated, not only physically, but emotionally from your families right now is ROUGH; particularly if your health is not as good as it once was. For me, I have no surviving Grandparents, Dad nor Step-Dad to call on to see how they are going (all forever in my heart). We do however, have Husband’s folks- who he did visit just yesterday; hiya M & J, love you both!). I found this tough over Easter recently, missing my loved ones (in Heaven) more so than ever. What about your Mother, I hear you ask? I have not had a positive relationship with my Mother for some time (I know life is too short- but is for the best right now)… I am dedicating this blog (don’t usually do this, but felt the need to do so) to my special Nan, Elizabeth (Betty) Starkey (Mother’s Mum). My Nan brought me (my Sister and Cousins) happiness and kindness through some times of darkness; something I will always remember fondly, thank-you my dear Nan. I have just uploaded a prose called ‘Nan’s Place’ (I wrote back in the year 2000) on ‘Some More Me Poems’ at the top page of the blog; take a look, I think it’s pretty special…

Mister C in bed (a few nights back), looked at me with sad wide eyes and said, “Is Opa (my Step-Dad) having a good time in Heaven this week, Mummy? I wonder if the Easter Bunny delivers eggs up there too?” This brought a tear to my eye, while already missing our loved ones over the Easter period. Giving Mister C big hugs and Opa kisses (loud lip blurts on the neck), “Of course, the Easter Bunny always delivers in Heaven and to Opa; he loved scorched peanuts! No-one should go without my son, not even in Heaven”…

Okay, better move on, back to 2015… I recall it was mid-year, more than half way through the cold Winter. The family and I kept ourselves busy, having a little fun and laughter where ever we could, to get through to wonderful warmer Spring. I recall buying Mister C a cute ‘Batman’ costume one weekend (gotta love K-Mart!). I remember, Mister C looked at the packaging reluctantly, then pointed at the front picture saying ‘But-man’ in his cute little voice. I had to laugh, as I wasn’t expecting him to react that way, let alone say that word! He was (and is) still full of surprises, our zany Mister C. Husband recalls, “Mister C looked so cute on his new Batman costume, he was so impressed. I took him to the shops the next day, he was impressed people were checking him out; he did point to his shirt and say But-man, it was amusing!” So, that began a year or more long amusing name we all called Batman at home… It was really funny the following day too, Mister C did his first proper ‘wee’ in the potty, we were all very happy with him. Mister C ran around the house half naked, in his Batman suit hanging around his ankles. He nearly tripped over the loose clothes, making it seem even more amusing, everyone had a good laugh that evening… Husband also recalled, “In the last week, every time I burped, Mister C would scrunch his face up and say, ‘say it?’ It’s quite funny, he wanted me to say ‘excuse me’ each time.”

So, Uni was back on for the final semester (yay!). I had a lot of study to do in order to pass the final units (many late nights with ‘Mr Chippy’ over my shoulder!). I also, had to apply for my New Graduate Program and attend a formal interview. It was a stressful time, making sure the application was done correctly, uploaded correctly and on time; any mistakes and it was likely to be rejected! There was demand for new nursing positions, but not as many as previous years with more graduates finishing the degree. I had decided earlier on (with Husband) that I would be applying to our new regional hospital. I was excited by the prospect of working at the Base Hospital; I was already working casual there as an enrolled nurse and had settled in fairly well. I recall attending my interview mid-August. I had studied all the likely questions I was going to be asked, bought myself a new formal shirt to wear; of course, wore my lucky dark purple shoes (I always wore to interviews and special events). I was having a bad ‘frizzy’ hair day, but I didn’t let that bother me; I believed I did as well as possible (phew! it was over)- time could only soon tell…

A word from Mister C…

Mister C asked Dad if he had dreamt a dream last night. Dad replied, “Yes, my son. I dreamt that Mummy and I, were both playing a ‘pokie game’ at the club, down the coast at Mollybook. We won three hundred dollars; I shared it with Mummy and were both happy we won something.” Mister C said, “Wow! I bet it was three million dollars you won, Daddy! What is a ‘pokie game’ you and Mummy were playing, like Pokemon?” … “Oh, they are silly machines for grown-ups; we don’t play them very often. They can take all of your money, if you’re not careful!”… “Oh, I know what they are; those machines are very loud and addictive Daddy! Can girls play those machines too?” … “Yes, my son, girls can do anything, except use the same toilet as us (unless really necessary).”… “The clubs are closed with the ‘bug thing’; that’s good, so people can keep their money at home, right Daddy?”…

Stay tuned…

We take a happy trip down to Mollybook for a long weekend late September; great to see the beautiful beach again with Mister C and the girls. I start my seven week long Uni placement early October; really happy I can start on time and do the final placement in our home town again. We find a house to buy, and I get my offer to work my New Grad year at the Base- super excited!

Sorry for the late Blog; thanks for your continued support, over 1100 hits on the blog- Yay! Night from Mister C…🙂

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...