Hi there, it’s Mister C and Me

Hiya! Sorry for the late blog (I know- a bit tardy?); a little busy over the last two days, setting up my new writing studio (sounds good doesn’t it?). I pleaded with Husband, to either organise to have the new room off the side of the house built soon; or to let me have a portion of our large room downstairs, that we call our bedroom/study. I needed space to write and think (have been going a little crazy, lately); with almost no space from anyone these past months (like most parents at present- I know!) He agreed to the latter (thanks dear one!) (of course, cheaper too); along with moving furniture and cleaning, the (massive) feature wall had to be repainted (of course- the colour didn’t match anymore, and I love (to) paint!) …

As you know from last week, poor Flossy had her wrist injury. Unfortunately, things got worse (along with Husband having to work in ACT over these days too); Flossy had a lot of pain and wasn’t sleeping at night. So, I took her to up the booked GP appointment Wednesday; the Doctor suggested we go back up to the hospital (thanks again) for a check x-ray and more support to the arm. Many hours later, Flossy now has a supportive back-slab, and a good pain regime in place to get through the next two weeks. Well done sweet girl, for getting through a tough time at present; we are very proud of you, and thanks to caring Mister C for helping you get things and playing nicely with you too (when it rains, it always pours?!).

On Saturday, I plucked up the courage to go visit my mother (who I hadn’t seen for nearly two years). After speaking to my dear Uncle (Hiya P.P) and Husband (my rock), it was the right thing to do. Without discussing much, my mother was recovering after surgery; my sister (Hiya C.M) was down for the week helping (thanks for all your work and care, love you!). I was naturally anxious about this meeting, and had organised to see one of my dear long-term friends for a catch up afterwards (love you S.M). Seeing friends always makes us feel better and a bit brighter; especially when we have to do things that are stressful or difficult (phew! What a week?!)…

Righto, back to 2016 (last days of 2015) and Tassie… It’s the early evening on the 28th December; we had just excitedly driven aboard the ‘Spirit’ of Tassie ship, and found our cabin with four bunk beds, and a cute bassinet carrier for Mister C to rest for the night. I recall the seas were very choppy, the ship did sway a lot; the swaying lulled us all to sleep (eventually). The next morning, we had to disembark the ship very early, nearly forgetting the level our car was parked on; we ended up being one of the last families off the ship. All weary eyed, we found nourishment (and coffee); making the most of our first day adventures.

I recall chatting at work about our upcoming trip to Tassie; a work colleague had recently been, and gave me a list of ‘must do’ things while we were there. The list was so helpful (particularly with little ones); I saw my colleague a month or so later, it was great to say thanks for the ideas. Some of the ‘to do’ list included, going to Mrs Jones restaurant in Devonport (unfortunately it was closed the time we went), visiting Cataract Gorge in Launceston and going up/down the chair lift (we had a great day and the views were breath-taking!); going to the ‘City Park, also in Launceston, to see the cheeky monkeys (very cheeky indeed!); drive to Hobart over the bridge, and must see the MONA Museum (amazing); then go down to Port Arthur, and take a cruise around the Bay area (eerie- but very unique indeed). It was very special to spend New Year’s Eve in Hobart; we had a delicious meal at a local Chinese restaurant with the girls and Mister C; I recall he kept trying to put the straws up his nose while pulling silly faces, making us and the other patrons giggle. We did so much over the trip (don’t want to bore you with all the details); it was well worth the time and expense to plan it all (definitely want to go back again soon).

As I mentioned earlier, Mister C was just over three years old. He hadn’t had many tantrums of late; however, most days during the trip he did have a meltdown or two! Not sleeping in his own bed and in unfamiliar places, this didn’t help the little guy; we distracted him as much as possible (“Let then run”- a friend would always say) and we stayed calm (most of the time). He did run off many times; I recall, we nearly lost him at Port Arthur, after we got off the cruise boat- luckily we found him quick-smart and had packed our lightweight stroller with us (was an ordeal at times trying to get him back into the stroller mind you!)…

Regretfully, we booked the day trip on the ‘Spirit’ back to Melbourne, thinking it would be good to try the day time travel. It was the longest day ever, with Mister C very unsettled and everyone over-tired. Luckily, we had booked a cheap hotel room in Melbourne for the night, knowing how long the drive the next day was going to be. It ended up being the longest drive EVER! Taking more than nine hours to get home; we had to stop many times, as the kids were all unsettled. Not forgetting, we had made a wrong turn to get back on to the highway, after turning around to find a petrol station and a ‘maccas’ stop for lunch. Poor Widy had left her mouth expander-plate sitting in the ‘nuggets’ box (which was the third one- costing over five hundred dollars!). Widy realised over half an hour later (she was white as a ghost); we turned back hoping to find it, but the rubbish had just been emptied, when we arrived asking the Duty Manager! (Oh, Widy!). We can all laugh about it now, and are longing for another trip away; but it really was the worst trip home from hell!…

I asked the family, if they could recall their favourite memory from our trip:

Husband recalls his memories of the trip; “We wanted to find a different way of travelling north, back up from Hobart to Devonport; so, we headed straight up the middle of Tassie. A sign warned us, ‘some of this road is not paved’; little did we know, we were headed onto over 40 km of dirt rocky track. The scenery was lovely, driving alongside the large beautiful blue ‘Great Lake’ in the centre… I also recall, that one night we spent back in Devonport, before boarding the Spirit for the return trip the following morning; Flossy lost her yellow teddy ‘hanky’ (the one she’s loved since a baby). The wonderful B&B owner found it, emailed us saying it had been found; then posted it back to us the following week!” (so wonderful- thanks!).

I recall many fond memories of our trip, with the beautiful country side and friendly folks we met along the way. The most memorable (not sure why), would have to be standing in the amazing (and zany) MONA Museum down in Hobart; looking at the many wild installations (we ended up staying the whole day!). I recall a big room, with a whole wall of TV monitors on it, with random strangers all singing a groovy song medley by Madonna (one of my favourites); the girls and I danced away for ages, until Husband called out, “Mister C has run off, we need to find him!”…

Widy recalls her memories of Tassie; “I loved the silly monkeys in the ‘City Park’ Mum, and the amazing views from the chair lift at the deep Gorge; it was fun in Tassie, can we go back again?”…

Flossy recalls her favourite memory of Tassie was, “The delicious chocolate factory near Devonport” (‘Anver’s Chocolate Factory’); she recalls how she got to try nearly every chocolate type in the big display window, and then run around outside in the fairy like garden with the cute train!…

I then asked Mister C, what he remembered of Tasmania; he said; “Where Mum?”…

A word from Mister C…

Mister C was home-schooled during the past weeks. On Thursday, he was reluctant to do much school work and was grumpy. Mister C looking glum said, “I don’t like Mondays; it sounds like it has Mum in it!” Frowning at Mister C, I replied, “Well, it’s Thursday, Mister C!” … “That’s even worse, Mummy”, he sighed. We continued on with the rest of the school work; “Well done my son”, I said giving him a big hug; “You got through Thursday, and did some great work!” Later that day, Mister C asked to go the school the next day (Friday). He was due to stay home as I was off work. “I really want to go to school and see my friends; can I go please?”… “I’m not sure my son, you’re best to stay home.”… “Please, PLEASE, Mummy?” How could I refuse? The next morning (very early), Mister C called out from upstairs, “I’m all ready for school, Mummy. I’ve gotten dressed, had my breakky, done my hair, brushed my teeth and even made my lunch!” “Wow!” I said, “You really must want to go to school today!”…. “Yes, school work is easier than home-school!”…

Stay tuned…

My New Grad year continues, I turn another year older (Oh no!); Mister C is fully toilet trained- day and night (whoo yeah!). We manage to pack up the whole rental house and move (with help from the burly removalists-thanks!) to our new place; let the unpacking and settling in begin…

Just to note, Husband is away and is my editor (‘pair of eyes’) and hasn’t looked over the blog tonight (I feel a bit naughty?). Any errors just blame him (me)… Thanks for your continued support, it means the WORLD to us!

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


    1. Mister C was only three and a bit, so I guess his memory was limited back then! Thanks for the comments and keep on reading! Me and Mister C…

  1. Good to hear all the recent news and, of course, all about the trip to Tasmania!

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