Hiya! It’s Mister C and Me…

Hiya! How is your new year shaping up so far?… Have you made any noteworthy New Years’ resolutions yet, like us? (let’s try and stick to them?). For husband and I, we made an agreement to watch our diet (eat less sugar mainly) and lose a few kilos, over the next coming months (both a bit tubby). I have been feeling a bit nervous; I made a pact with Widy before Christmas, to join karate with her (oh no- what have I done?); if she would go back and finish working towards her brown belt (such an achievement). I don’t expect to become a brown belt (a yellow one might be nice?); but I deeply respect the values and the hard work that karate brings. It is a great way to build fitness and inner strength; we love our Sensei and Dojo group; Mister C currently attends (hiya all- see you soon!). It’s the end of week three (and a bit) of the school holidays; how is it all going for you? I’m pleased to report, Mister C has only said, ‘I’m bored’ once since school finished (that’s an achievement?). I’m feeling pleased the kids have been well entertained, and are enjoying their break from school and homework (so far) …

After our (mostly) disastrous trip away, October last year; we promised the kids to try again and was hopeful to have a better (and happier) time. I booked another four-day trip away (in the villa we wanted-yay!), down the coast at our favourite watering hole. We hoped the weather would be kinder to us, after the terrible rain and storms last time. I can report, the sun did come out for the first two days and then the rains (and thunder- with a small power outage) came again. Luckily, we were able to go to the beach and the pool twice (such a relief!); and we DID get a bit of a relax- apart from the very noisy crowd, who had booked several of the bungalows around us (can’t win really?). We were able to go out for tea at the local club (thanks-the food was delicious as always) and also catch up with our dear friend, who lives at Burrill lake (Hiya L.S- love you). We had a lovely morning tea catch up, sharing some funny and endearing stories about life and work (and a few selfie pics too). Thanks also dear friend, for being one of my ‘number one’ fans – for my children’s books too (I really do appreciate your support and thanks again for the beautiful flowers you sent for my book signing!).

On the last day of our trip; we (sadly) checked out and drove back up towards Nowra (the rain was pouring at that point). We drove past the ‘HMAS Albatross’ exit sign, and I saw another brown (sightseeing) sign that read, ‘Navy Fleet Air Arm Museum to the right’… We stopped to have a quick lunch (gotta love ‘Subway’!) and ended up turning around to check out the museum (of course Husband and Mister C love planes and combat memorabilia). We were really glad to have stopped and went to the museum (apart from the drizzling rain- was indoors thankfully). It was very special to have seen many of the exhibits about the Navy ‘Fleet Air Arm’, with the amazing huge planes elevated up to the hanger roof. Husband’s Dad (dearly missed B.F.L) was a Navy pilot (navigator) during the sixties; while also worked with the ‘Fleet Air Arm, during this time’. We believe Husband’s brother’s (hiya D.L) name is engraved, on the inside of the big brass bell of the ‘HMAS Melbourne’ (ship). He was christened on the big ship (in 1971-Husband thinks?); we will have to go back to check the bell out a bit closer next time…

Okay, let’s go back to 2018 (getting through the months-bear with us!) … It’s now February (my sunny birthday month) … I have to comment how uncanny it is, with just writing about our current New year’s resolutions, to resolutions back in 2018. Husband had the same resolution to lose some weight! Husband commented, “An average man who does average mild exercise, like brisk walking 30mins a day- like me; can have 2500 calories a day to maintain same weight. It should be less than 2000 a day in order to lose weight; I am aiming for 1500-1800 per day to lose half a kilo, to a full kilo a week.” (good luck Husband). Actually, I recall Husband did do well and lost over four kilos that month- well done love (can you do it again please?!).

We can laugh about it nowadays; but during this time, we were having some trouble with Mister C, hiding old food and weeing on things (I know -sounds weird and gross doesn’t it). It’s probably one of those stories to keep and tell at Mister C’s twenty-first birthday… Husband comments, “Flossy and I discovered, Mister C had put a whole peeled banana under the big round foot cushion, in the downstairs rumpus room today- probably must have been put there over two weeks ago- GROSS!” As I spent several hours cleaning up the rumpus room and Mister C’s room; I found lots of weird old food items and old chip packets stuffed around, Mister C’s bed mattress and the house. Unfortunately, it is still a bad habit he tends to still do today! Last week, I found at least ten empty chip packets, stuffed at the back of the black leather lounge sofa upstairs…

As I was vacuuming his room, I noticed a smell in the corner of the room. I pulled back the large (and sentimental) old fluffy teddy bear, that was leaning against the wall; I realised it was wet- not just wet, drenched. I lifted it up and it was very soggy indeed. I quickly took it outside and smelt the bear; to my disbelief, I realised the liquid on the poor bear was wee (yuk!). The bear had been a gift from an old friend; way before I even had got married (the first one) and children- that’s how old it was. The bear was bigger than a five-year-old child and was very cute with his red and black tartan bow tie. As a tradition, the bear sat in each of the girl’s ‘nursery’ rooms when young; now it was Mister C’s turn to have the bear. With a mixture of emotions, I rang Husband and explained what I had found. He couldn’t believe it either; and commented, “Maybe it was the dog? He likes to wee on things sometimes.”

I had spent some time trying to clean the bear and left it outside to dry off in the sun (sunshine usually kills all germs?). I picked the girls and Mister C up from school and waited for Dad to come home from work. I quietly told the girls what I’d found; then Husband and I then sat down with Mister C, to find out what was going on. I recall asking Mister C, if he had wee’d in his room at all. I remember Mister C looked down and started fidgeting with his hands (he usually did- when he had done something he shouldn’t have); he then said, “Yes, Mummy. I wee’d on the big bear many times last week… I was too tired to go to the toilet, so I wee’d over there instead!” He pointed to the corner of his bedroom, where the bear had sat. “Oh, dear” I said quietly, “I think Teddy bear is no good now, my son. I don’t think any of my cleaning is going to help this time”… Mister C starting crying and said he was sorry. I was annoyed (and a bit sad that bear was no longer going to be with us). “I think bear is pretty old and is best to go in the bin,” Dad said giving Mister C a hug. We all said ‘goodbye’ to bear and Dad put the bear in the bin. Mister C came up to me later and gave me a hug, “Sorry Mummy,” he said; “I promise not to wee in my room again!” I am pleased to say, Mister C never wee’d in his room again…

A Word from Mister C…

Dad was drawing Mister C a warm bath- with lots of bubbles, in the early evening. Dad helped Mister C climb over the high bath rim, of the free-standing old (antique) bath; he then flexed his arms up (ample muscles?) and said, “I am strong; I’m the ‘Hulk’, my son!” Mister C giggled, then said, “No, Daddy; you’re not! The Hulk has a big ‘six-pack’; you have a big ‘fat-pack’!” Both laughed, as Dad stopped running the bath water and began to wash Mister C’s hair…🤔

Stay tuned…

For lots more zanier stories from 2018; my dear sister comes down for a girl’s sleepover for my birthday mid-February (how exciting!); we finally have all the repairs to the front of the house completed (a good job done too). I plan to have a happy wedding anniversary day together with Husband; but our plans change when poor Flossy has concussion from an incident at the school… Thanks for your ongoing support. Night from Me and Mister C…

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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