Hiya! It’s Mister C and Me…

Hi there, we hope you are having a happy (and peaceful) weekend. It’s Valentine’s Day today! (yay or nay- I hear you say?). Some couples (and singles) like to celebrate this day and some don’t; I guess it’s up to the individual, and how they like to express their feelings to their significant others. When I was in high school, it was fun to give a flame (had the ‘hots’ for someone) a red (handmade) glittery card or a small soft toy (if you were brave enough), to let them know you liked them (a lot!). Has the day become more commercialised in the years? (what do you think?), we certainly see all the merchandise set-up in the shopping malls (like Easter, Christmas and Halloween); how can we resist the shiny choc heart boxes in the supermarkets too?! Husband recalls, as a kid in first grade when at school in the U.S for half a year, it was normal for kids even back then (100 or so years ago wink wink) to give each other Valentine’s Day cards; back in those days, it was hardly heard of here in Australia.

Husband and I have always celebrated this day together (and with the kids on some occasions too); it’s our thirteenth one together (but fourteen years together coming up in March). Husband reminded me this morning (after giving me a hug and offering to bring me a coffee in bed), when we first met mid-March 2007; he got out of celebrating these days (like Valentine’s Day and my birthday), as he didn’t know me yet! It’s okay; over the years he has made up for it, giving me lovely choc gifts, ‘notes of love’ (nice words on coloured sticky notes) in my work lunch bag and many a red rose (and a few stinky white carnations). Love you Husband (thanks for albeit reluctantly mowing the lawn this morning) and Happy Valentine’s Day (and to all of you!) …

Me and Mister C wanted to give a BIG shout out to all the teachers and educators, who have returned back for the new school year. We regularly see and respond to images from family and friends (mainly on ‘Facebook’) of special events, like children starting school, returning to a new school or starting high school (like Flossy). Sometimes we can overlook the significant people, who care for our children (and make their day a great one-thank-you!). Not being a qualified teacher myself, (but I do have some friends who are- hiya!); Me and Mister C wanted to acknowledge these wonderful people, and wish them well in their school year, particularly if they have moved to a new school- good luck, we know you can do it!

Flossy went on her year seven camp at the beginning of the week; we also wanted to thank the teachers and support staff (don’t know how you did it!), who attended the camp with the cohort of spirited kids. We are so thrilled the kids could attend their camp, unlike the disastrous last year (with Covid…). I can report, Flossy had a wonderful time camping out with her ‘bestie’, while also making some new friends; but, didn’t enjoy the whole day trek to the top of Mount Kosciusko and back (chair lift ride for some of the way) … Flossy did however, enjoy the view from the top of the vast mountain (well done for all completing the trek!), picking up a few memento rocks on the way down (thanks Flossy- the rocks are pretty). On picking Flossy up, after the (long) bus ride home; there were some ‘tired tears’; the bus coach door got jammed and when the kids finally were able to get off the bus, she burst into tears and said sniffling, “I was frightened, Mum. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get off the bus to give you hugs- I missed you heaps!”… (ooh, thanks Flossy- I missed you more!).

Unfortunately, poor Flossy has spent most of the weekend in bed, with a bad headache and blocked nose; not to mention still recovering from the sunburn, she had suffered at both the camp and at the swimming carnival the week prior (poor sweet Flossy!). Mister C came home after school on Friday, very tired and also with a bit of a sniffle (must be going around again?), it was best to keep everyone home and have a quiet one. Widy complained of a bit of a sore throat, but felt okay and pushed on to go to her Maccas work (well done Widy). We had to miss one of our dear friend’s birthday celebration yesterday (sorry guys and miss you all-especially S & R.M). We hope you all had a great day (with those terrific RC cars!) and hope to see you next weekend…

Okay, let’s get back into 2018, now early-May (I think?). Husband had almost fully recovered from his surgery (and I could stop driving him around soon), and was proud of his new battle scar (surgical wound). Husband commented, “Today my wound did not hurt much! It was only about half as uncomfortable as yesterday, so it must really be on the mend.” Husband was still cranky about the neighbour’s dog barking too (particularly when he was convalescing at home and not at his usual work), in the property above our house. He also commented, “The last two nights, that damn dog has barked for more than two and a half hours, I have had just about enough; at least we are mostly downstairs, so it is not as audible.” (Those retrofit double glazed windows were sure looking good!).

Our kitchen and house renos were well underway during this time, and we were (mostly) on target with our reno budget (is important to keep one!). We had a good builder, electrician and handyman (who were great-thanks!); however, I recall it took many phone calls (and days later) to find a good tiler in our area (most were too busy!), finally finding a local chap who could do the job- but not until after Flossy’s birthday party (oh no!). I was dismayed the work could not be completed by the needed date, but there really was nothing we could do about it. I was pleased to have found a good flooring company, to help with refreshing the old cypress wooden flooring in the kitchen (thanks); the chap was also able to sand and re-varnish the maple floors in the dining area- in time to fully dry for the party too (I have to say- it did look great!).

As I may have written in a previous blog, my dear step-dad was a tiler by trade; and had keep some nice glossy red and black (separate) tiles in the back of his workshop. My fix-it-dad knew I loved red and black together (with a dash of white) as a décor colour choice; I was able to take the boxes of tiles home (months later), after he had passed away in 2017. I kept the tiles in a safe place, knowing I wanted to incorporate them in the kitchen renovations down the track (when we had the funds!), and as a memento to my step-dad too. Today (2021), I still love looking at the beautiful tiled splash backs and fondly remember my dear step-dad (I know he would have approved of the great work done with his tiles).

I always felt close to my step-dad, when I was either painting or working on a project at the house. Over this time, I spent numerous tireless hours (mainly late in the evenings) repairing walls, priming, painting, cleaning and finishing up (too much dust everywhere!); I always enjoyed undertaking this work, and seeing the finished product at the end (apart from my aching right shoulder!). My only wish was for my step-dad to have partaken in the work with me, and for both of us to have enjoyed a cuppa together, admiring our completed reno work (miss you Opa) … Husband commented, “Wife has worked on kitchen, mostly painting this last week. I reckon all up she has worked on the kitchen for over one hundred hours- she is so motivated!”…

A Word from Mister C…

Mister C and the girls were sitting at the dining table, finishing off their early tea before going to our karate session. Mister C burped loudly, after finishing his big glass of lemon cordial. He stood up and said, “Oops! Excuse me… Gee, that felt better, “he then said, rubbing his chest and giggling. “I could burp for a whole Millennium, and then all the way to the moon and back! I had so much to drink all at once, as big as the whole universe and then some!” We all laughed together…🤔

Stay tuned…

For some more zanier stories in 2018; it’s Flossy’s tenth birthday and we celebrate with a disco-dancing party for her and a few friends. Mister C is still complaining about not wanting to go to school most mornings, and complains about someone calling him names… WOW! It’s out seventieth blog today… Please note: I am happy to do another ‘book run’ in our local area, if you still haven’t collected your copy of our second book. Thanks for your ongoing support, it means THE WORLD to us!… 💖

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


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