It’s Me And Back To School Mister C…

Firstly, Me and Mister C wanted to send our warm thoughts of love and care to the communities that are being affected by the devastating high magnitude (think was 7.8!) Kahramanmaras earthquake, that occurred in the unique country of Turkey on Monday morning. It was terrifying seeing some of the released footage on social media last night. We are so very sorry to see that Mother Nature has reared her ugly side once again; our thoughts go out to everyone who has been affected by this disaster. According to the BBC (online), ‘The death toll from a strong earthquake in south-eastern Turkey, near Syria’s border, could rise eight-fold, the World Health Organisation has warned. The US Geological Survey said the 7.8 magnitude tremor struck at 04:17 local time (01:17 GMT) at a depth of 17.9km (11 miles) near the city of Gaziantep. Seismologists said the first quake was one of the largest ever recorded in Turkey. Survivors said it took two minutes for the shaking to stop.’

The girls and Mister C made it back to school last week (like thousands of other children in NSW). It was a busy few days leading up to their first days, with the usual getting school clothing and stationery items ready, purchased and labelled. Widy is in her second term of year twelve and Mister C is now in year five (yay- no more year four!) went back first. Flossy went back the following day- now heading into year nine (so grown-up now). Mister C didn’t want to wear the usual black lace-up school shoes this year (oh dear!); so, I negotiated high-top black lace-up shoes instead (was a relief). Mister C had a mini melt-down in the local store, but we managed to work through it, so everyone was happy in the end.

Widy has two more terms to go and will soon be all done (she’s very excited to be finishing!), a part from the usual year twelve HSC exams towards the end of the year too. Flossy was nervous about going back to school this year; mainly due to the (sad) fact three of her close friends have moved schools and towns. Flossy has naturally been down about these changes in her friend group; we have both re-started going for regular walks with our sweet doggie ‘Rhetti’; this has been very beneficial to both of our mental health and wellbeing.

Me and Mister C also wanted to send out a very BIG shout out to all hairdressers in our town in NSW, Australia and throughout the world. Often seen to be one of the most unacknowledged professions compared to some other professions, like nursing; we wanted to show our sincere appreciation, particularly our three longstanding hairdressers, who have cut and styled our family’s hair since early 2015. Most know about our car accident that occurred in October last year; of which I have longstanding health issues as a result from the accident. I booked a time to have my hair cut and restyled at the end of last week (thanks so much C, L & M!); my mood has been low, mainly due to coping with ongoing pain and my injuries, not forgetting the painful physio (as it has often been since the accident). Having my hair done with these truly wonderful ladies, brightened my mood instantly. I left the salon feeling refreshed, cared about and had great chats about life and just the world in general. I cannot express my gratitude for the wonderful care and attention. Like many others, our wellbeing is so important and acknowledging the people who make such a contribution to people’s lives really matters. So, when you next have your hair or nails done, or whatever personal service, please remember to always acknowledge the quiet work that is being done around you…

Sadly, we lost one of our sweet chooks- ‘Silver’, one of our white feathered girls about two weeks ago. The nasty (there are other names) fox was waiting in the chook yard and ‘Silver’ (for some reason) didn’t go back into the chook enclosure when both automatic chook doors went down. The following morning Husband saw the bad fox in the backyard area trying to take ‘Silver’s’ body over the fence; he quickly ran out to scare the fox away, which he did, the fox not getting Silver at least. Life is so precious, we have done all that we can to fully protect the vulnerable girls, however what will be will be, if the girls don’t go in after dark, there isn’t much else we can do but to have the fox caught- which is an almost impossible endeavour. Our other eight girls stopped laying for a few days, but they have now adjusted to their ‘Silver’ sister not being there anymore.

Husband and Mister C survived their travels to QLD and back and had a fun time together. Husband was able to spend time with his younger Bro and family, while also catching up with his older Bro and partner too (hiya all!). Mister C had a great time and came back happy, refreshed and not sunburnt- which was a great thing! Husband did comment that the flight back to ACT was not fun, with a very unsettled baby in the next isle and he had to sit next to a very large sized gentleman- not much room to move I think (say no more)?! I commented back, at least the flight wasn’t delayed or cancelled. I was happy for my boys to have a little time away together, but was happier for when they both came back home, I did miss them…

A Word from Mister C …

Driving home from school after picking Mister C up (earlier last year, before the accident). Mister C grinned and said, “Hi, Mummy, your hair looks nice today!” I smiled back and said, “Why, thank-you, my son. I thought I’d better look a bit more reasonable today with a few appointments and the like today.” Mister C nodded and the said, “Did you know, Mummy; if you were a giant, the number one rule if you don’t want to get killed or destroyed, is to swallow the humans whole! If you eat the human first, then they can’t eat you or destroy you from the inside!” I looked up through the rear- view mirror in the car and replied, “Oh, okay, my son. I haven’t seen a giant since I was very young; I think we’ll be okay in these times in today’s world. But, yes, thanks for the advice, it is good to know!” Both giggled…

Stay tuned…

Great news! Our next book (not children’s) is now with our designer (thanks heaps!) and we should have a cover draft design in the next week or so. The book should be due for publication by the end of the month as well! We have also been working hard on reformatting our first five books, with some minor corrections and new parent/teacher notes. Signed author copies will be available over then coming months and online via Ingram Spark, Amazon, Books 2 Read and other distributors around Australia and beyond. Don’t forget Me and Mister C will be attending our fun bookstall at Goulburn Rotary Markets (Parkside) this Saturday (11.02.23). We’d love to see some familiar faces and some new ones too- is always wonderful having a chat about our books. It should be a great day in our local area, as the Multicultural Festival is also happening this weekend… Hugs and care Me and Mister C 🙌

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


  1. Love to read about the adventures of Mister C and his Mother. Looking forward to reading the new book as well!

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