Halloo… It’s Me and Mister C…

Hello! I can happily report, Widy and I survived getting our ink done for Widy’s eighteenth birthday milestone. It was a long and busy day (over six hours spent in the ink shopfront), but it was well worth the effort to have our wonderful ink art designs done. We say a very BIG thank-you to D.M, from ‘Tattoo Power’ shopfront in Mitchell, ACT. Our day didn’t go according to plan (they rarely do!); we didn’t end up meeting Husband for a late lunch in the city (sorry Husband!), but we did get to visit our Liam at ‘Norwood Park’ first and took the usual cute pics of Widy (all grown-up now) next to Liam’s wall (forever missed). Sadly, both Flossy and Mister C had come down with head colds (RAT tests were negative-thankfully) and ended up staying home together to rest (thanks Flossy for helping out- is very much appreciated!). It was tricky (and a little stressful) finalising our plans; with not being able to change the appointments, due to this day being Widy’s actual birthday, and having to leave both Flossy and Mister C home for a lot of the day. Husband was already staying in ACT for his work which make it trickier, but it did work out (just) in the end, as there would have been no way to drive back in time to have picked the kids up from school anyhow (phew- it was a close call!).

The best thing out of the ink experience (for me), was seeing Widy embrace the experience and care for her ink art (arm) so well afterwards. Widy was overwhelmed with gratitude (and had a bit of a headache in the evening too); as a mother, that is what means the most- a child saying a heartfelt thank-you for what we do for them. I feel honoured to have been able to help Widy (who absolutely loves her design) to now have a permanent remembrance of her twin brother Liam. The busyness continued through the rest of the week (as birthdays do); Flossy and Mister C’s sicknesses improved and both went back to school on the Wednesday (so thankful). We had a wonderful weekend planned with family and a few close friends, to attend a lunchtime and afternoon gathering for Widy’s celebration. I wanted to take this time to thank everyone again who were able to join us- your company was a precious gift in itself. It was wonderful to see my two Uncles again (love you P & W-has been too long), my sister and her family (thanks my sis), of course Granny and Grandad (thanks for coming) and other special family and friends too. Widy was overwhelmed by all the generous gifts given (thanks again) and she was humbled by it all as well. Thanks also to R.B for the amazing cake (it was spectacular!). Sorry we couldn’t invite everyone this time, due to my work and ongoing Covid outbreaks in our communities at present, we had to keep numbers small for this celebration. We promise to catch up with some other close friends very soon…

Great news? I have nearly completed the cover illustrations for our next sixth book. Due to time constraints at present (along with the girl’s and Mister C’s school work at present), I have more words from Mister C to share instead again this week (how great?)…

After the long night of trying to clear out the ground and storm water, that had flooded downstairs through our house (earlier in the year), no-one ended up getting much sleep and we were a bit sad and grumpy. Mister C had been unsettled and came out into the lounge room and saw me lying on the long black couch. I couldn’t sleep downstairs, there was too much mess and water everywhere; it broke my heart to see all the damage, including the brand-new carpet that was most likely ruined. Husband was able to pull out the sofa bed downstairs in the rumpus room and managed to get a little rest. Mister C hopped onto the couch next to me and whispered, “I love you, Mummy. It’s going to be okay. Can we still go away on our trip, today?” I gave Mister C a squeezy hug and replied still half asleep, “Hi, my son, I’m not sure if we can. We have to speak to the assessors, who are coming out this morning to assess all the damage. I hope we can, but I worry the rains may came back again!” Mister C nodded and gave me another tight hug. Husband came upstairs, “Hi, it’s such a mess downstairs, the carpet is ruined! I think we should still go away, there’s nothing that can be done now, anyway.” Mister C smiled and replied, “Yay, we can get new carpet and still go away. I really want to see the beach, it’s calling me, so!” All smiled…

Mister C came out of the bathroom (earlier in the year) and moaned, “My big tooth is wobbly, Mummy; I think it’s an eye tooth. Actually, all on my teeth were wobbly, now they aren’t anymore, except this funny shaped one.” Looking into Mister C’s mouth, I replied, “Ooh, my son. That eye tooth is nearly ready to come out!” Mister C shook his head, then shut his mouth and replied, “Why do we call it an eye tooth, Mummy? Does it have an eye in it or something?!” Giggling, I replied smiling, “Oh, no my son. That would be pretty funny if those teeth did have eyes- maybe in the back of their teeth! I’m not sure why they are called that, I guess because those sorts of teeth are sharp and long.” Mister C nodded and then said, “Maybe those teeth can actually see what we’re going to eat next, that would be cool!” Both laughed and I gave Mister C a big wobbly tooth hug… 🦷

One more… “Don’t forget we need to do your RAT test before school, my son.” I called out to Mister C (earlier in the year). Mister C jumped up from the couch and shook his head, “No way, Mummy! I’m not having that tube thing up my nose, it’s very delicate up there!” Not to mention Husband had been cheekily telling him stories about people losing some of their brain when the technician stuck it up too far (no good!). Shaking my head, I replied, “Oh, no my son. I will be very gentle- I promise. You need to be safe to go to school at present.” Mister C sighed and began to run out of the room, saying, ” Do I trust you or not?! Oh, okay then; I guess I’m not going to win anyway- you will catch me up eventually!” … 🙌

A Word from Mister C…

Mister C had been practicing his speech for school over the weekend with Dad (last year-is a little uncanny, as Mister C completed his speech for this year yesterday!). Mister C was a bit nervous and read his speech out loud twice and then said, “I am going to do better than last year, Dad; I did terrible back then, with no eye contact and I was super nervous!” Dad clapped his hands and replied, “Well done, my son. You will do well; it’s a pretty funny speech and it has me in it too!” The next day after Mister C had completed his speech, he came home from school with a big grin on his face. “How was your speech, my son?” I asked, giving him a hug near the doorway. Mister C smiled and replied, “Oh, well, I was the only boy out of my class who had written their speech! I was able to do it today. Everyone including my teacher laughed, it was a good speech and a great day today too!” Giving Mister C a big hug, “Wow! Well done, my son. Dad will be so proud too!” Hugs all round…

Stay tuned…

Thanks to our dedicated and subscribed readers for your ongoing patience; life and family have a way of taking up most of our time at present! Me and Mister C look forward to some quieter days and for Me to have some more time to think and write (I can only hope!). I am diligently working on the storyboard and illustrations for the next book, hopefully with the new proposed format layout, the illustrating work shouldn’t take too long (fingers crossed!). Keep on smiling… Lots of hugs Me and Mister C 🤞😉

Mister C and I live in a rural town in NSW Australia, with Mister C's Dad and his two big sisters. We have an acreage with an old homestead, that we have been renovating over the past five years (a lot of work!). I am a registered nurse working in private nursing in NSW. I enjoy caring for people in our community, it is a very unique area to live. Mister C is now nine years old now, and is in year four at primary school. He loves super-heroes, building bricks ('Lego'), jumping really high on our trampoline at home and playing with our sweet pets. He has a big imagination and dreams a lot about interesting and funny stuff. We have two sweet doggies named 'Rhetti' and 'Niki', many chickens (lots of names there), three beautiful painted finches, named 'Red', 'Robin' & 'Ruby'. We have many wild animals that like to visit on a regular basis, like 'Bluey' the blue tongue lizard, 'Baby Poss', our resident brush tail possum, our family of king parrots, named 'George', 'Mildred' and 'Gilbert', 'Freddy' our resident green frog and family of noisy magpies, named 'Monte', Maggie', 'Carlo and the new twins. Pastimes for me include painting (anything), reading, illustrating, playing board games with Mister C and the girls, and of course writing (lots of writing!). Without children the world would be a quiet place!...


    1. Thanks Granny, we appreciate your ongoing support. Sadly, I will only be able to write a blog each fortnight from now (for a while hopefully). I will alternate updates to the widgets and site each fortnight though. Keep on reading! Hugs Me and Mister C… ❤

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